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tpo18_L2_Copies_of_Greek_Sculptures | Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center #33

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

tpo18_L2_Copies_of_Greek_Sculptures | Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

Tan-Taylor commented 1 year ago
Taylor word English Meaning Chinese Meaning Sentence Example
distributed throughout spread over, distribute in 分布在 They were supposed to communicate specific ideas about the emperor and the imperial family and to help inhabitants of the conquered areas become familiar with the Roman coins were also distributed throughout the empire.
contemporary a person of nearly the same age as another 当代的 But finally some contemporary art historians have challenged this view.


huzoeyi commented 1 year ago


Word English Explanation 中文解释 Example Sentence
lack the state of not having sth or not having enough of sth 缺乏 despite his lack of experience,he got the job
throughout the *** in or into every part of sth 在整个 they export their products to markets throughout the world


huzoeyi commented 1 year ago


Word English Explanation 中文解释 Example Sentence
category a group of people or things with particules in common 种类 they place the book in the erong category
belong to to be in the right or suitable place 属于 lions beiong to the cat family


jiangtingxi commented 1 year ago


Word English Explanation 中文解释 Example Sentence
expand increase 扩大 The room was increased.
Roman Empire An Empire in Roman 罗马帝国 The Roman Empire is very big.



Minato屏幕截图 2023-05-21 191138

Word English Explanation 中文解释 Example Sentence
agriculture the science or practice of farming 农业;农学;农艺 The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization released a State of World Aquaculture report at a meeting in New Delhi two years ago.
irrigation the practice of supplying land with water so that crops and plants will grow 灌溉;水利 Dirty irrigation water can spread animal pathogens to fruits and vegetables.

Minato屏幕截图 2023-05-21 191138

Word English Explanation 中文解释 Example Sentence
represent to speak, act, or be present officially for another person or people 代表 They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court.
sculpture the art of forming solid objects that represent a thing, person, idea, etc. 雕塑,雕刻 Tom teaches sculpture at the local art school.


Student-Nancy-Sun commented 1 year ago


word English meaning Chinese meaning Example
reproduction breeding 繁殖 Another is that while nowadays reproduction is easy
served as look on as 把……作为 they allowed people to see the emperor or at least his likes and served as an additional reminder to let them know
截屏2023-05-21 19 50 41
huzoeyi commented 1 year ago


Word English Explanation 中文解释 Example Sentence
decoration renovation 装饰 Weren't they just for decoration?
a lack of shortage 缺乏 She wasn’t convinced that it was because of a lack of creativity.


Yancy-demo commented 1 year ago


Word English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Be supposed to do be expected or required to do something 应该做某事 they were supposed to communicate specific ideas
Throughout in every part of (a place or object) 自始至终 the event had repercussions throughout Europe


student-yuna-wu commented 1 year ago


Word Meaning English Expanation Example
Portrait 肖像 Drawing or photograph of a person He had his portrait painted in uniforme.
Imperial 帝国的 Connected with a an empire The prince was appointed imperial Swineherd.

Yuna TPO18 L2

luca0418 commented 1 year ago



luca0418 commented 1 year ago


Word Chinese meaning English explanation example
Portrait 肖像 Drawing or photograph of a person "it's too wide in landscape, and awkward to hold in portrait"
a lack of 缺乏 shortage She suffers from a lack of confidence