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Day7 ESL S/L -- Kylin | Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center #95

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Day7 ESL S/L -- Kylin | Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

Evelyn831 commented 1 year ago

再次修改:In my opinion ,it is important to have music education .First, I think if you are stressed ,you can play instruments to relax .For example :Once before, the teacher assigned a lot of homework, and I felt a lot of pressure. After returning home, I sat in front of the piano and played for a while. Slowly, I realized that I gradually began to enjoy the sound of the piano, and in an instant, I felt much less pressure .Second ,I think children should develop with comprehensively, rather than just focusing on learning.

Regina0106 commented 1 year ago

Regina In my opinion ,music education is of utmost importance .All Chinese people known Nie Er .He loved music as a child .When he grow up ,he influenced the hearts of the Chinese people with music .His music creation has a clear sense of the times ,serious thinking ,high national spirit and excellent artistic creativity ,which points out the direction for the development of Chinese proletarian revolutionary music and sets an example for Chinese music creation .I think learn music education can help our country .By learning music, you can make friends .Music education doesn’t only enhance our temperament ,but also opens new avenues .

wangyinfan0802 commented 1 year ago

Evan I think it is a good idea to learn to play a musical instrument.Because when I was four years old, my mom let me to play piano. I when I was grade 7, I finish the level 10 of piano. For me, I think play musical instrument can relax myself, and also can bring me much confidence, because if you have more talent or another skills that person who don’t have, you’ll feel confident.On one hand, those who don't believe music education is important may argue that it's not a universally applicable skill. They might contend that time spent on music could be utilized for other subjects that are considered more essential for future success.But the importance of music education may vary depending on individual interests, goals, and educational supporting.

Lynne2008 commented 1 year ago

Lynne 修改稿:I think learning to play an instrument is vital to one's education. Because at the party, many people have good strengths to show. People can also use this thing to determine whether to make friends with a certain person. Musical instrument education is a very relaxing activity, but at the same time, it is also a test of whether things are three minutes hot. We should study hard and reach the minimum height so that it can be one of our entertainment as well as one of our practice

cicily333 commented 1 year ago

Cicily 修改稿:It important to p;ay an instrument.Bucause i uauslly fell lonely about the life Every thing is colorless.While i paly the instrument i always feel happy and intersting.If we have many streewe cam play a instrunent to have a rest.When i paly the saxfox i feel redece stress.SO play an instrument is inportant.

0123carol3210 commented 1 year ago


I think learning musical instruments is important. The reason for it is that learning music can improve our quality, and learning musical instruments is beneficial for our daily learning. Learning musical instruments can inherit Chinese music culture, so I believe learning musical instruments is very important.

Alice030408 commented 1 year ago

Alice I agree that music is important. Music brings joy to people and can soothe them in times of trouble. When you encounter difficulties, it’s often best to listen to music to relax and find a solution. Therefore, learning a musical instrument to manage your emotions is beneficial. Like Beethoven, he was deaf, but music gave him hope. He said that music is the language of God, and that we musicians are closest to God, hearing his voice and seeing his lips. so music is important.