shishkin / astro-pagefind

Astro integration for Pagefind static site search.
MIT License
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Support for @pagefind/modular-ui #84

Open davidandreoletti opened 1 week ago

davidandreoletti commented 1 week ago


Thanks for the integration. Would you consider adding support for @pagefind/modular-ui to support greater customisation, once it becomes production ready ?

shishkin commented 1 week ago

Hi @davidandreoletti. Thanks for raising this. I wasn't aware of the new Pagefind UI developments.

Modular approach does look interesting and more flexible but it also means larger component API surface. I would like to avoid having to mirror the pagefind components in Astro as much as possible as that would require too much maintenance to keep up with updates.

What use cases do you have in mind that you need modular UI for and how would you like them to look like in Astro?

davidandreoletti commented 1 week ago

Use case:

100% control on how pagefind behave for presenting the results without having to know / use pagefind css style.


shishkin commented 5 days ago

Thanks for the suggestion @davidandreoletti. I'll try to take a stab at it when I have some time.

davidandreoletti commented 2 days ago

No worries. it was already kind of you to create a nice astro integration for the non modal version.