├── README.md
├── public // all static files (images, etc) go here
├── pages // every .tsx component in this dir becomes a page of the final site
| ├── index.tsx // the home page (which has access to the list of all blog posts)
| ├── blog
| ├── [blog].md // a template component that renders the blog posts under `/md/blog`
├── md
| ├── blog
| ├── devii.md // this page!
├── whatever.md // every MD file in this directory becomes a blog post
├── components
| ├── Code.tsx
| ├── Markdown.tsx
| ├── <various others>
├── loader.ts // contains utility functions for loading/parsing Markdown
├── node_modules
├── tsconfig.json
├── package.json
├── next.config.js
├── next-env.d.ts
├── .gitignore