shivamsuyal / Android-Keylogger

Android Keylogger
77 stars 18 forks source link

How to use it #5

Open bishalzkaboom opened 1 year ago

bishalzkaboom commented 1 year ago

I am trying to modify it but i cannot figure it out how can i get the key logs

NullPounce commented 1 year ago

check out my fork! you need to use a listener with the same ip and port, use the -k option in netcat

shivamsuyal commented 1 year ago

Well if your question is to how to save the keylogs in a file then you can achieve this in multiple ways, but a easy one will be

to use you netcat listener in this way:

nc -klnp 4444 | tee key.logs

let me know, if this was the answer you wanted

Zepamov commented 1 year ago

Hi, what do I need to enter here? image