shivasiddharth / Assistants-Pi

Headless Google Assistant and Alexa on Raspberry Pi
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Cannot test google assistant in env #52

Closed shadowscott closed 5 years ago

shadowscott commented 6 years ago

Ran through the installer for both Google and Alexa. Alexa wake work tested fine. However, I cannot get to test the Google portion. Any help?

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ source env/bin/activate (env) pi@raspberrypi:~ $ googlesamples-assistant-hotword --project_id 'pi-8a638' --device_model_id 'pi-8a638-googlepi-35rp2i' -bash: googlesamples-assistant-hotword: command not found

shivasiddharth commented 6 years ago

Are you using Pi Zero ?

shadowscott commented 6 years ago

Hey @shivasiddharth . No. I'm using Pi 3.

shadowscott commented 6 years ago

Managed to get it to work after installing a bunch of stuff from here:

Only problem is now that I have it up and running (and tested both assistants) neither of them will run on boot. Can't get this to function at all.

shivasiddharth commented 6 years ago

Problem is if you followed the official SDK, you will be on a newer version than this project and so obviously, you cannot use my files to auto start GA. But ALexa should autostart on boot without a hitch. Try removing the sudo in the file.

shadowscott commented 6 years ago

I only installed googlesamples-assistant-hotwork and googlesamples-assistant-library because I could not execute the test in the virtualenv. Had to install a bunch of python scripts there and set up virtual environment. Then was finally able to execute the google-samples-hotword which worked fine. Removed sudo and same thing, Starts up saying "hello" but i can't get Alexa to reply. And google assistant isn't working either.

shadowscott commented 6 years ago

So @shivasiddharth I got an update. I followed your GassistPi tutorial and got Google Assistant working fine there. So that is operational. Now I'm running Assistants-Pi and selecting only the Alexa option. What portions should I not be running at the bottom regarding the services/file updates since I already have it installed from GassistPi? Also, after installing and rebooting I hear google playing it's intro and I do get a Hello/Hi (can't remember) from Alexa, however she doesn't seem to be responsive when using her wake word despite the test as part of your script with the listening ports showing that the wake word is picking up. Thought?

EDIT: So I get both of them to start up, however when I say "Alexa" I hear a noise sounding like she wants to take input, but she never responds to my voice. Then if I say her name again, I don't hear anything. It's like it registers the first time and doesn't reply, but then never listens for her name.

shivasiddharth commented 6 years ago

May i know as to what is your audio setup ?

shadowscott commented 6 years ago

Using AIY hat from google kit.

shivasiddharth commented 6 years ago

Can you check if your .asoundrc and asound.conf are the same ?

shadowscott commented 6 years ago

Yes, they are the same.

Also, how can I uninstall the Alexa installation from AssistantPi (keeping GassistPi)? Want to try the installation of another module without this installed if I can't get it to work without wiping sd card again.