shivasiddharth / GassistPi

Google Assistant for Single Board Computers
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GassistPi Crash on News and low alarm volume. #346

Closed kodxana closed 6 years ago

kodxana commented 6 years ago

GassistPi restart after asking for news. It crashes evry time i try to ask for news. Crash and then reboot assistant. Also im trying to setum alarm so that it can wake me up but is quietly.

aandroide commented 6 years ago

even to myself problem as soon as they ask the news goes crashing

shivasiddharth commented 6 years ago

The issue is, i have assigned news as a custom command. Remove the news part from here or comment out that custom function.

kodxana commented 6 years ago

Whats about alarm sound.

shivasiddharth commented 6 years ago

Issue a vocal command to set volume to maximum. Can you check if there is an issue with the alarm volume in the official SDK git? I really dont have control over that.

aandroide commented 6 years ago

Sid. the user above is correct about the news section. ok that does not work with the word news but it does not work even with the commands established as top news sports news worls news despite we declared the url in worldnews = "" technews = "" topnews = "" sportsnews = "" quote = ""

shivasiddharth commented 6 years ago

Can you attach the log file ?

aandroide commented 6 years ago

ehi google world news: the log file is: 2018-05-24 22:22:27,527 DEBUG google.auth.transport.requests Making request: POST 2018-05-24 22:22:27,534 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTPS connection (1): 2018-05-24 22:22:27,760 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool "POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1" 200 None

aandroide commented 6 years ago

I tried to change the feed url but it crashes anyway. I specify that the tts pronounce the title before crashing. It seems a problem of tts ON_RECOGNIZING_SPEECH_FINISHED: {"text": "World news"} 100 Blitz quotidiano High Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layers 1, 2 and 3 version 1.23.8; written and copyright by Michael Hipp and others free software (LGPL) without any warranty but with best wishes

Directory: /tmp/

Terminal control enabled, press 'h' for listing of keys and functions.

Playing MPEG stream 1 of 1: say.mp3 ...

MPEG 2.0 L III cbr32 24000 mono

[0:01] Decoding of say.mp3 finished.

aandroide commented 6 years ago

other information has been output from the log file: 2018-05-24 22:52:16,082 DEBUG google.auth.transport.requests Making request: POST 2018-05-24 22:52:16,094 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTPS connection (1): 2018-05-24 22:52:16,442 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool "POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1" 200 None 2018-05-24 22:56:30,403 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTPS connection (1): 2018-05-24 22:56:30,678 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 None 2018-05-24 22:56:30,771 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool "GET /translate_a/single?hl=it&q=Blitz+quotidiano&client=t&ie=UTF-8&otf=1&tk=62169.428997&tl=it&sl=auto&dt=at&dt=bd&dt=ex&dt=ld&dt=md&dt=qca&dt=rw&dt=rm&dt=ss&dt=t&oe=UTF-8&ssel=0&tsel=0 HTTP/1.1" 200 None 2018-05-24 22:56:30,775 DEBUG gtts.tts lang: it 2018-05-24 22:56:30,776 DEBUG gtts.tts lang_check: True 2018-05-24 22:56:30,777 DEBUG gtts.tts tokenizer_func: <bound method of re.compile('(?<=\?).|(?<=\!).|(?<=\?).|(?<=\!).|(?<!\.[a-z])\. |(?<!\.[a-z])\, |\—|\\n|\(|\:|\¡|\[|\:|\;|\‥|\、|\,|\)|\…|\。|\¿|\،|\]', re.IGNORECASE) from: [<function tone_marks at 0x7310a588>, <function period_comma at 0x7310a5d0>, <function other_punctuation at 0x7310a618>]> 2018-05-24 22:56:30,777 DEBUG gtts.tts pre_processor_funcs: [<function tone_marks at 0x7310a078>, <function end_of_line at 0x7310a468>, <function abbreviations at 0x7310a4b0>, <function word_sub at 0x7310a4f8>] 2018-05-24 22:56:30,778 DEBUG gtts.tts text: Blitz quotidiano 2018-05-24 22:56:30,778 DEBUG gtts.tts slow: False 2018-05-24 22:56:30,785 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTP connection (1): 2018-05-24 22:56:30,860 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 226 2018-05-24 22:56:30,870 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTPS connection (1): 2018-05-24 22:56:31,068 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 None 2018-05-24 22:56:31,308 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTP connection (1): 2018-05-24 22:56:31,380 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool "GET //translate/releases/twsfe_w_20180521_RC03/r/js/desktop_module_main.js HTTP/1.1" 200 165090 2018-05-24 22:56:31,610 DEBUG gtts.lang langs: {'de': 'German', 'et': 'Estonian', 'es-us': 'Spanish (United States)', 'pt': 'Portuguese', 'hi': 'Hindi', 'da': 'Danish', 'pt-pt': 'Portuguese (Portugal)', 'ca': 'Catalan', 'fr': 'French', 'ja': 'Japanese', 'fr-ca': 'French (Canada)', 'lv': 'Latvian', 'en-in': 'English (India)', 'en-nz': 'English (New Zealand)', 'sq': 'Albanian', 'en': 'English', 'bn': 'Bengali', 'el': 'Greek', 'af': 'Afrikaans', 'id': 'Indonesian', 'it': 'Italian', 'no': 'Norwegian', 'en-ng': 'English (Nigeria)', 'en-uk': 'English (UK)', 'eo': 'Esperanto', 'en-tz': 'English (Tanzania)', 'ko': 'Korean', 'fi': 'Finnish', 'nl': 'Dutch', 'hy': 'Armenian', 'km': 'Khmer', 'en-gh': 'English (Ghana)', 'en-za': 'English (South Africa)', 'pt-br': 'Portuguese (Brazil)', 'pl': 'Polish', 'ne': 'Nepali', 'es-es': 'Spanish (Spain)', 'ar': 'Arabic', 'en-ca': 'English (Canada)', 'jw': 'Javanese', 'uk': 'Ukrainian', 'sw': 'Swahili', 'is': 'Icelandic', 'sk': 'Slovak', 'zh-tw': 'Chinese (Mandarin/Taiwan)', 'su': 'Sundanese', 'mk': 'Macedonian', 'en-us': 'English (US)', 'tl': 'Filipino', 'hr': 'Croatian', 'vi': 'Vietnamese', 'ro': 'Romanian', 'hu': 'Hungarian', 'fr-fr': 'French (France)', 'en-au': 'English (Australia)', 'si': 'Sinhala', 'sv': 'Swedish', 'th': 'Thai', 'zh-cn': 'Chinese (Mandarin/China)', 'cy': 'Welsh', 'en-ie': 'English (Ireland)', 'ta': 'Tamil', 'cs': 'Czech', 'bs': 'Bosnian', 'sr': 'Serbian', 'es': 'Spanish', 'en-gb': 'English (UK)', 'tr': 'Turkish', 'ru': 'Russian', 'la': 'Latin', 'en-ph': 'English (Philippines)'} 2018-05-24 22:56:31,612 DEBUG gtts.tts pre-processing: <function tone_marks at 0x7310a078> 2018-05-24 22:56:31,615 DEBUG gtts.tts pre-processing: <function end_of_line at 0x7310a468> 2018-05-24 22:56:31,616 DEBUG gtts.tts pre-processing: <function abbreviations at 0x7310a4b0> 2018-05-24 22:56:31,621 DEBUG gtts.tts pre-processing: <function word_sub at 0x7310a4f8> 2018-05-24 22:56:31,622 DEBUG gtts.tts text_parts: 1 2018-05-24 22:56:31,630 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTPS connection (1): 2018-05-24 22:56:31,818 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 None 2018-05-24 22:56:31,836 DEBUG gtts.tts payload-0: {'q': 'Blitz quotidiano', 'client': 'tw-ob', 'ttsspeed': 1, 'ie': 'UTF-8', 'tl': 'it', 'idx': 0, 'tk': '62169.428997', 'textlen': 16, 'total': 1} 2018-05-24 22:56:31,845 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTPS connection (1): 2018-05-24 22:56:32,050 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool "GET /translate_tts?q=Blitz+quotidiano&client=tw-ob&ttsspeed=1&ie=UTF-8&tl=it&idx=0&tk=62169.428997&textlen=16&total=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 5280 2018-05-24 22:56:32,058 DEBUG gtts.tts headers-0: {'Referer': '', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept': '/', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36'} 2018-05-24 22:56:32,059 DEBUG gtts.tts url-0: 2018-05-24 22:56:32,060 DEBUG gtts.tts status-0: 200 2018-05-24 22:56:32,061 DEBUG gtts.tts part-0 written to <_io.BufferedWriter name='/tmp/say.mp3'> 2018-05-24 22:56:32,061 DEBUG gtts.tts Saved to /tmp/say.mp3 2018-05-24 22:56:33,652 ERROR main You must setup() the GPIO channel first Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/GassistPi/src/", line 627, in main() File "/home/pi/GassistPi/src/", line 525, in main feed(str(usrcmd).lower()) File "/home/pi/GassistPi/src/", line 348, in feed while GPIO.input(23): RuntimeError: You must setup() the GPIO channel first 2018-05-24 22:56:43,309 DEBUG google.auth.transport.requests Making request: POST 2018-05-24 22:56:43,315 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTPS connection (1): 2018-05-24 22:56:43,576 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool "POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1" 200 None

aandroide commented 6 years ago

@kodxana here is the solution to the problem: what pin do you use for the stop button? in my case I use the 26 and I forgot to edit in this line: while GPIO.input (23): with while GPIO.input (26): and also the line if not GPIO.input (23): with if not GPIO.input (26): now I do not know in your case what pin you're using for the stop, but I've solved the problem this way.

aandroide commented 6 years ago

for what concerns the volume of the alarm clock we can not do anything because the raspberry can not be added to the home app and the volume adjustment alarms is only possible from google home devices read here:

shivasiddharth commented 6 years ago

@aandroide , So the gtts is unable to convert the Italian symbols and hence crashing?

aandroide commented 6 years ago

@shivasiddharth No sid. the problem was that I had not changed the gpio stop of the news. I use pin 26 for the stop and in the script it was 23

shivasiddharth commented 6 years ago

I am considering the issue closed then.