shivasiddharth / GassistPi

Google Assistant for Single Board Computers
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Getting Illegal instruction when I run googlesamples-assistant-pushtotalk on Pi Zero and B+ #66

Closed George-L closed 7 years ago

George-L commented 7 years ago

Hello. I have a raspberry pi b+ and after the instalation, I try to run googlesamples-assistant-pushtotalk comand and it says illegal instruction. and yes i was i the env mode. source env/bin/activate comand. What can be the problem?

shivasiddharth commented 7 years ago

if you could copy paste the terminal contents only then it will give me a fair idea. Did the authentication go through ?

George-L commented 7 years ago

Yes the authentication worked and now I formated the pi and i will try to install again. i the same error happens i will tell you.

George-L commented 7 years ago

Please visit this URL to authorize this application: /o/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&client_id=1086385570949-l9jv64n8jgda4ir2j2nq6v %3Aoob& tate=CefhPMXFW8KeeXX6sT7SrUg0IbI0Pw&prompt=consent&access_type=offline Enter the authorization code: 4/kkaxAwdE5eeHNeD8H-hRJ4f8vBa4MKr4vlLsujiSjNA credentials saved: /home/pi/.config/google-oauthlib-tool/credentials.json pi@raspberrypi:~ $ source env/bin/activate (env) pi@raspberrypi:~ $ googlesamples-assistant-pushtotalk Illegal instruction (env) pi@raspberrypi:~ $

I still have the same problem

shivasiddharth commented 7 years ago

Looks like some Armv7 packages have been installed. May I know as to which installer you used.?

George-L commented 7 years ago

I used this 2 comands to install.

sudo /home/pi/GassistPi/scripts/ sudo /home/pi/GassistPi/scripts/

shivasiddharth commented 7 years ago

Within the environment, try running this command: python -m pip install --upgrade google-assistant-sdk[samples]

And then try the pushtotalk

dswillows commented 7 years ago

Hello same issue, pi zero w, new install, all steps good until same point. Tried last suggestion, same result...

shivasiddharth commented 7 years ago

Can you check if you have the file in the assistant library ? It should be in the environment under /googlesamples/assistant/grpc folder.

dswillows commented 7 years ago

Hello, this is true for me;

(env) pi@LEWA:~/env/lib/python3.5/site-packages/googlesamples/assistant/grpc $ ls pycache

shivasiddharth commented 7 years ago

As long as you have this file, you can run the snowboy. It should not be an issue. Are you using the AIY image by any chance ?

dswillows commented 7 years ago

snowboy? this is step 4.2.7 in guide (test google assistant) No to AIY, using USB-DAC

shivasiddharth commented 7 years ago

I am asking you to proceed further. The assistant will work. 4.2.7 is not compulsory.

dswillows commented 7 years ago

ok, so proceed to next step, and enabled as a service. Alas, no chime on reboot as I've had in previous installs... not sure what info is useful to diagnose...

shivasiddharth commented 7 years ago

Stop the service using: sudo systemctl stop snowboy.service Run the following command in the terminal and post the output: /home/pi/env/bin/python -u /home/pi/GassistPi/src/

dswillows commented 7 years ago

Ok /home/pi/env/bin/python -u /home/pi/GassistPi/src/ Illegal instruction

shivasiddharth commented 7 years ago

Ok, thanks, i will take a look as to what is causing this issue.

dswillows commented 7 years ago

Thank you sir

shivasiddharth commented 7 years ago

One final question ! Can you tell me as to what OS you are using ?

dswillows commented 7 years ago

2017-09-07-raspbian-stretch Linux 4.9.59+ #1047 Sun Oct 29 11:47:10 GMT 2017 armv6l GNU/Linux zero w

chrisarcher commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have this error too, on a Zero W with latest stretch Raspbian and ReSpeaker 2-mic HAT.

shivasiddharth commented 7 years ago

Guys, I have fixed the bug. Please try again using a new copy of the OS. I have also changed the order of installation. First use the pi zero installer and then finally the snowboy dependencies.