shiyonglu / DATAVIEW

DATAVIEW is a big data workflow management system. It uses Dropbox as the data cloud and Amazon EC2 as the compute cloud. Current research focuses on the security and privacy aspects of DATAVIEW as well as performance and cost optimization for running workflows in clouds.
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Closed ChangxinBai closed 5 years ago

ChangxinBai commented 5 years ago

1 . DATAVIEW_Matrix object is not supported in the read method. --- Done

  1. A new key will be generated by the DATAVIEW system if we need more VMs based on the existing available VMs. Can we reuse the existing key to provision more VMs using the existing key? What if the key is not belonging to the current account? --- Done, but the private pem associated with the key name should be saved well.

  2. The final output retrieve from interface should be fixed, since we change the output file name in the taskExecutor

  3. Is the Figureprint value associated with the key pair name unique?

  4. Is the server hosting the less powerful?