shiyuchen6688 / free2meet

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Scrum Updates Jun 25, 2022 #62

Open guorunhe-design opened 2 years ago

guorunhe-design commented 2 years ago

Name: Runhe Guo (Josh) Scrum Update:

  1. I made some cool features for Google Map API (clicking on the map to add a location, infoWindow for markers, focusing the selected location on the map, and the button to fit all locations on the map) and beautified the navigation bar.

  2. The major issue was to connect the location cards and the map bidirectional, which was solved by getting the address object's latitude and longitude to center that map and by looping through all locations' latitudes and longitudes to get the bound of the map to fit all locations on the map.

  3. I am planning to work on the backend (MongoDB) of users and/or invitations.

shiyuchen6688 commented 2 years ago

Name: Shiyu Chen Scrum Update:

  1. I worked on JSON Web Token for sign-in, setting up backend route for meetups, and redux actions to access data from the backend.

  2. The major issues are learning redux convention to handle async backend requests, design routes and backend API that follow best practices.

  3. I am planning to work on the design of DB schema, store relationship between user and meetup, create backend routes for meetups related to each user, and update the frontend to reflect new features.

xbh0403 commented 2 years ago

Name: Banghua Xu Scrum Update:

  1. I worked on the invitation page for the front and backend using react, redux, and express, and connected the invitation page and the history page with the backend.
  2. The major issue was inconsistent meetup object design, which would lead to throwing errors almost wherever this object was used and it was resolved by unifying the meetup object design in frontend components, redux, and backend redux.
  3. I’m planning to continue work on invitations once the user-meetup relationship is done, and improve the timetable component to make it work as expected (darker if more attendees are available, lighter otherwise). If time permits, I would add email notifications for invitations.
mingxingong commented 2 years ago

Name: Ming Gong Scrum Update:

  1. I worked on the past event page in the front end and backend, including all the redux and express parts using routes.
  2. A major issue I encountered was that the page would only load when I refreshed, and I would get a bunch of errors the first time I opened the page saying that my data was null, which I fixed by only loading the data based on the data object when it was not an empty object (i.e. it had been successfully loaded from the server).
  3. I'm planning to add more features to the front end of the individual meetup page, add the backend for full history, and build the view existing meetups page.