shkhln / linuxulator-steam-utils

Steam launcher for FreeBSD
MIT License
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Recent steam failes in #102

Closed christina002 closed 1 year ago

christina002 commented 1 year ago

Recent steam binaries fail in because they call unimplemented functions:

fakepulse: pa_threaded_mainloop_start
steam: src/fakepulse.c:372: pa_threaded_mainloop_start: Assertion `0' failed.

I've tried adding all pa_threadedmainloop*() functions to (all of which simply returned 0) but then it would go on with pa_proplist_new() and that returns a pointer to a structure, thus things are becoming a bit complicated.

I've tried to find out why there's a fakepulse library in the first place but came up blank. Shouldn't it be possible to install linux-c7-pulseaudio-libs and have the real thing?

Thanks, --Christina

shkhln commented 1 year ago

Please, test things with the latest code before reporting anything.

I've tried to find out why there's a fakepulse library in the first place but came up blank. Shouldn't it be possible to install linux-c7-pulseaudio-libs and have the real thing?

Some of us don't like and don't use "the real thing". Other than that it's prone to crashing with the "Assertion 'pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->mutex) == 0' failed at pulsecore/mutex-posix.c:108, function pa_mutex_unlock(). Aborting." message.

christina002 commented 1 year ago

Sorry to report this without testing the latest version from github - I used ports to install it and the version in there still has the issue. I'll try the github version.

shkhln commented 1 year ago

Ports are horrifying for anything that should be updated on time:

christina002 commented 1 year ago

Yeah.... it's just that I usually only want to install things via ports or pkg... I completely understand how a fast-moving target like Steam doesn't work with this concept, though.

I've applied the patch to the ports version and now it works - thanks! And sorry again for submitting a defect for something that's already been fixed. I noticed you also added a workaround for but I've handled this by moving the kernel to stable/13. I guess I could save myself a lot of pain by just moving to the git version of linuxulator-steam-utils...