shlomi-noach / awesome-mysql

A curated list of awesome MySQL software, libraries, tools and resources
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Added MindsDB #115

Open chandrevdw31 opened 4 months ago

chandrevdw31 commented 4 months ago

Added MindsDB to the awesome list and added a category for AI Tools.

MindsDB integrates with numerous data sources, including databases, vector stores, and applications, and popular AI/ML frameworks, including AutoML and LLM.With MindsDB, you can connect any data source to any AI/ML model to implement and automate AI-powered applications. Deploy, serve, and fine-tune models in real-time, utilizing data from databases, vector stores, or applications. Do all that using universal tools developers already know

ZoranPandovski commented 4 months ago

The core of mindsdb is under ELv2 license, but the actual integrations have been released as MIT. You can check them here

dveeden commented 3 months ago states:

"Must be free and open source. Must have an acknowledged open source license. I'm not a lawyer, so I'll go with the FSF listings. Proprietary, trial, shareware, halfway open sourced etc., will not be accepted, and will be removed."

I don't see ELv2 on either or so I don't have enough information to be able to call this open source and/or free software.