shlomiassaf / ng-router-loader

Webpack loader for NgModule lazy loading using the angular router
MIT License
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No ng-router-loader needed anymore(angular 6)? #19

Open zzs1020 opened 6 years ago

zzs1020 commented 6 years ago

Hi, first thanks for this awesome loader.

I'm writing this to confirm if this loader is still needed by an angular6 project as we are trying to upgrade from 4 to 6, webpack3 to 4 but I saw there aren't any updates in this repo for a while.

Because we use angular-starter so I did some research and found this, turns out you have intentionally removed your loader from their starter and it works for some folks. Unfortunately, we still have problems and I'm not sure why since there isn't any error and compiled main.ts is not include any compiled codes.

I tried add back ng-router-loader but still not working, I saw your comments about ngtools/webpack affcting ngc-webpack, but how does it affect this loader and how should we use it in webpack 4?

Thanks very much for your help!