shlomif / perl-XML-LibXML

The XML-LibXML CPAN Distribution for Processing XML using the libxml2 library
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Test suite fails with current libxml2 (12ce9b5f) #84

Open d125q opened 6 months ago

d125q commented 6 months ago

(Link to libxml2 tree at 12ce9b5f.)

#   Failed test ' TODO : Add test name'
#   at t/08findnodes.t line 126.
#          got: '3'
#     expected: '2'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 45.

No idea why the result is 3 instead of 2. There seems to be an extra namespace aside from the expected http://kungfoo and http://foo namespaces.

#   Failed test 'Parser error.'
#   at t/19die_on_invalid_utf8_rt_58848.t line 19.
#                   'example/thedieline.rss:26: I/O error : Invalid bytes in character encoding
# .com%2fblog%2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&t=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+
#                                                                                 ^
# example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined
# log%2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&t=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“
#                                                                                   ^
# example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined
# 2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&title=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“
#                                                                                   ^
# example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined
# 2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&title=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“
#                                                                                   ^
# example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined
# log%2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&t=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“
#                                                                                   ^
# example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined
# 2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&title=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“
#                                                                                   ^
# example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined
# 2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&title=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“
#                                                                                   ^
# example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined
# This" href="�“
#                                                                                   ^
# '
#     doesn't match '(?^:parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8)'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

The error message seems to have changed.

kloczek commented 1 month ago

Have the same issue + another one with t/60error_prev_chain.t

Here is test duite output: ```console + /usr/bin/make -O -j48 V=1 VERBOSE=1 test "/usr/bin/perl" -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e 'cp_nonempty' -- blib/arch/auto/XML/LibXML/ 644 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/usr/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-report-prereqs.t .............................. ok # # # Compiled against libxml2 version: 21300 # Running libxml2 version: 21300 # t/01basic.t ........................................ ok I/O error : failed to load "does_not_exist.xml": No such file or directory # Failed test 'error parsing # &foo; # ' # at t/02parse.t line 887. # got: '' # expected: anything else # Looks like you failed 1 test of 533. t/02parse.t ........................................ Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/533 subtests t/03doc.t .......................................... ok t/04node.t ......................................... ok t/05text.t ......................................... ok t/06elements.t ..................................... ok t/07dtd.t .......................................... ok # Failed test ' TODO : Add test name' # at t/08findnodes.t line 126. # got: '3' # expected: '2' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 45. t/08findnodes.t .................................... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/45 subtests t/09xpath.t ........................................ ok t/10ns.t ........................................... ok t/11memory.t ....................................... skipped: These tests are for authors only! t/12html.t ......................................... ok t/13dtd.t .......................................... ok t/14sax.t .......................................... ok t/15nodelist.t ..................................... ok t/16docnodes.t ..................................... ok t/17callbacks.t .................................... ok t/18docfree.t ...................................... ok # Failed test 'Parser error.' # at t/19die_on_invalid_utf8_rt_58848.t line 19. # 'example/thedieline.rss:26: I/O error : Invalid bytes in character encoding # .com%2fblog%2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&t=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+ # ^ # example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined # log%2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&t=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“ # ^ # example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined # 2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&title=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“ # ^ # example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined # 2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&title=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“ # ^ # example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined # log%2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&t=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“ # ^ # example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined # 2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&title=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“ # ^ # example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined # 2f2010%2f06%2fginja-d-%25c3%25b3bidos.html&title=Ginja+d%26%2339%3b+�“ # ^ # example/thedieline.rss:26: parser error : Entity 'ldquo' not defined # This" href="�“ # ^ # ' # doesn't match '(?^:parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8)' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. t/19die_on_invalid_utf8_rt_58848.t ................. Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/1 subtests t/19encoding.t ..................................... ok t/20extras.t ....................................... ok t/21catalog.t ...................................... ok t/23rawfunctions.t ................................. ok t/24c14n.t ......................................... ok t/25relaxng.t ...................................... ok t/26schema.t ....................................... ok t/27new_callbacks_simple.t ......................... ok t/28new_callbacks_multiple.t ....................... ok t/29id.t ........................................... ok t/30keep_blanks.t .................................. ok t/30xpathcontext.t ................................. ok t/31xpc_functions.t ................................ ok t/32xpc_variables.t ................................ ok t/35huge_mode.t .................................... ok t/40reader.t ....................................... ok t/40reader_mem_error.t ............................. ok t/41xinclude.t ..................................... ok t/42common.t ....................................... ok t/43options.t ...................................... ok t/44extent.t ....................................... ok t/45regex.t ........................................ ok t/46err_column.t ................................... ok t/47load_xml_callbacks.t ........................... ok t/48_gh_pr63_detect_undef_values.t ................. ok t/48_memleak_rt_83744.t ............................ ok t/48_reader_undef_warning_on_empty_str_rt106830.t .. ok t/48_removeChild_crashes_rt_80395.t ................ ok t/48_replaceNode_DTD_nodes_rT_80521.t .............. ok t/48_RH5_double_free_rt83779.t ..................... ok t/48_rt123379_setNamespace.t ....................... ok t/48_rt55000.t ..................................... ok t/48_rt93429_recover_2_in_html_parsing.t ........... ok t/48_SAX_Builder_rt_91433.t ........................ ok t/48importing_nodes_IDs_rt_69520.t ................. ok t/49_load_html.t ................................... ok t/49callbacks_returning_undef.t .................... ok t/49global_extent.t ................................ ok t/50devel.t ........................................ ok t/51_parse_html_string_rt87089.t ................... ok Can't call method "_prev" without a package or object reference at t/60error_prev_chain.t line 38. # Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output anything. t/60error_prev_chain.t ............................. Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) Failed 1/1 subtests t/60struct_error.t ................................. ok t/61error.t ........................................ ok t/62overload.t ..................................... ok t/71overloads.t .................................... ok t/72destruction.t .................................. ok t/80registryleak.t ................................. ok t/90shared_clone_failed_rt_91800.t ................. skipped: optional (set THREAD_TEST=1 to run these tests) t/90stack.t ........................................ ok t/90threads.t ...................................... skipped: optional (set THREAD_TEST=1 to run these tests) t/91unique_key.t ................................... ok t/cpan-changes.t ................................... skipped: These tests are for authors only! t/namespace-magic-scalar-rt144415.t ................ ok t/pod-files-presence.t ............................. skipped: only for AUTHORS t/pod.t ............................................ skipped: These tests are for authors only! t/release-kwalitee.t ............................... skipped: These tests are for authors only! t/style-trailing-space.t ........................... skipped: These tests are for authors only! Test Summary Report ------------------- t/02parse.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 533 Failed: 1) Failed test: 511 Non-zero exit status: 1 t/08findnodes.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 45 Failed: 1) Failed test: 14 Non-zero exit status: 1 t/19die_on_invalid_utf8_rt_58848.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1) Failed test: 1 Non-zero exit status: 1 t/60error_prev_chain.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 255 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 1 tests but ran 0. Files=77, Tests=2546, 8 wallclock secs ( 0.53 usr 0.17 sys + 7.09 cusr 1.22 csys = 9.01 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 4/77 test programs. 3/2546 subtests failed. make: *** [Makefile:1127: test_dynamic] Error 255 ```