shlomif / perl-XML-SemanticDiff

The XML-SemanticDiff CPAN distribution for semantic (= non-ordered and probably not what you want) comparison of two XML docs
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Wrong version for XML::SemanticDiff::BasicHandler listed in META.* #10

Closed eserte closed 2 years ago

eserte commented 4 years ago

META.json lists 1.0007 as the version for XML::SemanticDiff::BasicHandler: However, the actual $VERSION of the module is 1.0006:

This also shows up in a cpan shell. After a fresh install of the module:

cpan[1]> m XML::SemanticDiff::BasicHandler                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Reading '/home/slaven.rezic/.cpan/Metadata'
  Database was generated on Wed, 29 Jan 2020 09:41:03 GMT
Module id = XML::SemanticDiff::BasicHandler
    CPAN_USERID  SHLOMIF (Shlomi Fish <>)
    CPAN_VERSION 1.0007
    CPAN_FILE    P/PE/PERIGRIN/XML-SemanticDiff-1.0007.tar.gz
    UPLOAD_DATE  2018-08-15
    MANPAGE      XML::SemanticDiff::BasicHandler - Default handler class for XML::SemanticDiff
    INST_FILE    /opt/perl-5.31.8/lib/site_perl/5.31.8/XML/SemanticDiff/
    INST_VERSION 1.0006
shlomif commented 4 years ago

Hi @eserte ! XML-SD is now maintained by ( @perigrin - ). @perigrin: cam you please mint a new CPAN release while updating the info in the dist.ini? Thanks!

shlomif commented 2 years ago
