shm007g / LLaMA-Cult-and-More

Large Language Models for All, 🦙 Cult and More, Stay in touch !
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Open shm007g opened 1 year ago

shm007g commented 1 year ago


shm007g commented 1 year ago


Pre-trained Base Models

Simple Version - OpenAI: GPT-1, GPT-2, GPT-3, InstructGPT, Code-davinci-002, GPT-3.5, GPT-4(-8k/32k) - Anthropic: Claude-v1, Claude Instant - Meta: OPT, Galactica, LLaMA - huggingface BigScience: BLOOM (176B), BLOOMZ, mT0 - EleutherAI: GPT-Neo, GPT-J (6B), GPT-NeoX (20B), Pythia - TogetherCompute: GPT-JT, RedPajama-7B, RedPajama-INCITE - Berkeley: OpenLLaMA - MosaicML: MPT-7B, MPT-7B-Instruct/Chat - TII: Falcon-7/40B-(instruct) - BlinkDL: RWKV-4-Pile, RWKV-4-PilePlus - Tsinghua THUDM: GLM-130B, ChatGLM-6B - Cerebras: Cerebras-GPT - Google: T5, mT5, LaMDA, Pathways, PaLM, UL2, Flan-T5, Flan-UL2, Bard, PaLM-E, PaLM 2, MoE, Switch Transformer, GLaM, ST-MoE, MoE Routing - DeepMind: Gopher, Chinchilla, Sparrow - Nvidia: Megatron-Turing NLG (530B) - AI21 Studio: Jurassic-1, Jurassic-2 ![A summary of large language models (A Survey of Large Language Models)]( ![LLM Family Tree](


shm007g commented 1 year ago

Track of Open LLMs

$\color{red}{\textsf{Refactoring, Coming soon}}$

shm007g commented 1 year ago

Instruction and Conversational Datasets

Pre-training Datasets

Efficient Training Library

shm007g commented 1 year ago

Open Source Aligned LLMs

Model Date Base Size (B) Weight Data Licence Context Len Demo
Dolly-v2 2023/04/12 Pythia 3/6.9/12 databricks/dolly-v2-12b databricks-dolly-15k Apache-2.0 2048
Dolly-v1-6b 2023/03/24 GPT-J 6 databricks/dolly-v1-6b Stanford Alpaca Apache-2.0 2048
RWKV-4-Raven 2023/04 RWKV-4-Pile 1.5/3/7/14 BlinkDL/rwkv-4-raven Alpaca, CodeAlpaca, Guanaco, GPT4All, ShareGPT and more Apache-2.0 Infinite space
BLOOMZ & mT0 2022/11 BLOOM/mT5 0.56/1.1/1.7/3/7.1/176 bigscience/bloomz xP3 bigscience-bloom-rail-1.0 2048
OpenAssistant 2023/04/16 Pythia/LLaMA 1.4/6.9/12/30 OpenAssistant OASST1 Apache-2.0 2048 site


shm007g commented 1 year ago

Evaluation Benchmark

Star History

Stargazers over time

shm007g commented 1 year ago

Evaluation Dilemma

Evaluation In a Afforable Way

Human Exams

Question Answering and Classification

Reasoning(Common Sense, Math)



Natural language generation

测试任务 详细样例 样例数 中文Alpaca-7B 中文Alpaca-13B 中文Alpaca-Plus-7B
💯总平均分 - 200 65.1 70.6 👍🏻75.3
知识问答 20 66 74 👍🏻80
开放式问答 20 👍🏻79 74 👍🏻78
数值计算、推理 20 31 👍🏻50 45
诗词、文学、哲学 20 68 73 👍🏻76
音乐、体育、娱乐 20 68 74 👍🏻79
写信、写文章 20 76 👍🏻81 👍🏻81
文本翻译 20 76 78 👍🏻82
多轮交互 20 👍🏻83 73 👍🏻84
代码编程 20 57 👍🏻64 59
伦理、拒答 20 47 65 👍🏻89

LLM Arena (side by side comparison)

shm007g commented 1 year ago
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    <div class="header">
    <h1>Large Models for All</h1>
    <h2>We're building something big...</h2>
    <h2>Stay tuned! </h2>

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            <img alt="Star History Chart" src="" />


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