shmato4ek / homepage

My very own personal website. Basically this is just a résumé.
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Closed shmato4ek closed 2 years ago

shmato4ek commented 2 years ago

Составить список всех (важных) жизненных событий, выдающихся дат, достижений, периодов, давших приятный и неприятный опыт и т.д. В этом конкретном случае длинных списков не бывает, вместо этого бывают плохо свернуты, поэтому упаковываем сюда все подряд, а о "лишних" событиях можно будет умолчать позже. Список должен быть систематизирован и посортирован таким образом, чтобы читатель быстро понял "паттерн" и мог легко ориентироваться в пространстве и времени этого резюме.

shmato4ek-2 commented 2 years ago

March 4, 2018 - the first guitar, the beginning of the musical path December 21, 2018 - for the first time participated in the organization of the event (New Year's tale of a pedagogical class for children) December 26, 2018 - first trip to western Ukraine (it was great) May 30, 2019 - passed the last ZNO and graduated from school June 1, 2019 - Liverpool's Champions League victory (a very important event in my life) June 26, 2019 - presentation of the well-deserved gold medal June 27, 2019 - 11-b grade graduation July 29, 2019 - first date with KPI August 29, 2019 - moving to Kiev September 6, 2019 - a guitar evening in KPI as a spectator September 8, 2019 - the first program I wrote (yes, I remember this date) October 3, 2019 - creation of a team in the League of Laughter KPI October 4, 2019 - the election of the team captain in the League of Laughter and my victory) November 12, 2019 - first courses in programming January 18, 2020 - end of the first session in life February 5, 2020 - first acquaintance with .Net and mutual love at first sight March 6, 2020 - trip "for 3 weeks of quarantine" Quarantine period - studying the .Net platform and taking courses on it July 10, 2021 - the first entrepreneurial attempt to open a small business (if you can call it such) August 29, 2021 - long-awaited return to the capital September 24, 2021 - first live concert October 15, 2021 - successful completion of the courses at SoloLearn October 30, 2021 - final approval of the music group December 11, 2021 - test at Binary Studio Winter Academy