shmuelzon / home-assistant-floor-plan

Home Assistant Floor Plan Generator Plugin For Sweet Home 3D
MIT License
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Daytime renderings #23

Closed Zerogiven closed 2 months ago

Zerogiven commented 2 months ago

ok, this is a really "just nice to have" feature cause i know i can solve this otherwise by creating renderings with different daytimes and make a conditional card. but maybe it's "easy" to include this feature :)

cheers Chris

shmuelzon commented 2 months ago


Yes, this one is also on my list Create multiple renders for multiple hours of the day and display in Home Assistant according to local time. I would probably need to implement Allow selecting date/time of render first and then allow a list of dates/times. I don't foresee any issues with implementing this, just need to find the time.

Zerogiven commented 2 months ago

too bad that it's about 15 years ago that i wrote some java code... and i know your time thing, it's like me :D

however, i solved it by creating three(morning,day,night) outputs with your plugin and use a conditional card in top of it :)