shobhit-pathak / MatchZy

MatchZy is a plugin for CS2 (Counter Strike 2) for running and managing practice/pugs/scrims/matches with easy configuration and Get5 (G5API/G5V) support as well!
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Add Chinese (Simplified) Translate by MerakW #134

Closed MerakW closed 2 months ago

MerakW commented 2 months ago

This translation is translated by myself, if you have any questions, comments are welcomed.

JammyLin commented 2 months ago

个人拙见,既然是我们自己看的,可以翻译的简单一些,比如'您已成功准备',‘您已"取消"准备’,'比赛恢复','取消暂停'之类的。 另外,你的文件名是错误的。可以直接改成zh.json

JammyLin commented 2 months ago

其实也可以自己增加颜色来更醒目,例如 您已{green}准备{default}! 您已{red}取消准备{default}! 我不知道前面颜色是否可以自行更改,毕竟我也不会这语言。

To Author or maintainer: Is it possible to change the colour code to a specific colour at will? Support for Hex?

MerakW commented 2 months ago

个人拙见,既然是我们自己看的,可以翻译的简单一些,比如'您已成功准备',‘您已"取消"准备’,'比赛恢复','取消暂停'之类的。 另外,你的文件名是错误的。可以直接改成zh.json

翻译确实言之有理,但是我个人翻译的时候还是觉得需要保持原意是最合理的,不去打破原本的内容 至于文件名,zh-cn(中国大陆中文)确实有误,现在应该用zh-hans,代表中文简体中文。

JammyLin commented 2 months ago

文件名依旧不对。它是RFC 4646格式,所以后一个单词要大写,比如zh-Hans

shobhit-pathak commented 2 months ago

Hey, thanks for the PR! As @JammyLin, should the file name be zh-Hans.json?

MerakW commented 2 months ago

I'm really sorry that I didn't submit my changes until today, I was so busy a while ago that I didn't pay attention to the Github content. @shobhit-pathak

JammyLin commented 2 months ago

To be honest, I don't really understand whether it needs to be reviewed by others or by the maintainer, at least I think the translation is pretty good. Then I checked the code, is it possible to internationalise all strings later? It looks like it's possible.

MerakW commented 2 months ago

@JammyLin I agree with your opinion about other strings, there is still a lot strings didn't translated.

shobhit-pathak commented 2 months ago


Yes there's still a lot of strings present for which translation is needed. The idea was to set-up the base of translation with some strings. I'll soon release an update in which I'll try to cover the remaining strings so that we have complete translation available.


MerakW commented 2 months ago

It means my pr will be merged after full translate right? @shobhit-pathak

shobhit-pathak commented 2 months ago

Merged it, thanks for the translations! :D

MerakW commented 2 months ago

I'm happy to contribute to such a great open source project!

Merged it, thanks for the translations! :D