shobhit6993 / CodeLater

Chrome Extension for adding Codechef problems to the "CodeLater List".
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Add a .crx for download #1

Open svineet opened 10 years ago

svineet commented 10 years ago

Could you please compile this and add a .crx to this repo? So we can download it easily, because most of the audience this extension targets don't know about developing a chrome extension.

I could do it, I would like to.

Also I installed the extension and found that there was no button in the extension button dropdown for adding the current page problem to codelater. Only a button in the problem page. Handy and good, but wouldn't it be nicer if things are organized in the same place? I love the extension btw :smile:

shobhit6993 commented 10 years ago

Its nice to know that you liked the extension. I do realize that many might not be aware of the developer mode of Chrome which allows us to manually add an extension. I could compile and add .crx file so that the extension could be downloaded and directly added to Chrome. However, due to extreme time crunch for the next few weeks owing to my exams, I, as of now, do not have time to do the necessary. If you like, I can add you as a Contributor to this repository, so that you can do the same, and perhaps, build upon this naive extension to make it more feature rich and usable.

Regarding your suggestion of adding a feature which allows user to add a problem to their CodeLater list directly by (somehow) clicking a button. Sorry, I am unable to comprehend your feature suggestion. Could you please elaborate a bit more on the same?

svineet commented 10 years ago

Ok, I'll add it by sending a pull request.

I meant that there should be a button in the dropdown, using which one can add the current page to problems to solve. The extension could disable the button if the current webpage isn't one of CodeChef's pratice pages. This would organize things to the button itself. But the CodeLater button in the problem page itself should stay too. Am I making sense?

shobhit6993 commented 10 years ago

Got it. Nice feature! It should not only be useful but simple to add as well.

In case you want to build upon this extension, I am sharing with you what all I had in mind which could be incorporated in this extension in future; unfortunately, procrastination pulled me back, and I never touched this repo post the hackathon in which I (and my team mates) developed CodeLater. One of the functionality I wanted to incorporate was that the problems in the CodeLater list which have been solved by the user be struck-through (or a tick beside the problem in the CodeLater list), so that the user knows which problems in his/her ToDo list he/she has solved (and remove them from the list if he/she wants). Also, a more ambitious feature was to make CodeLater the ToDo Problems list not only for CodeChef, but SPOJ and Codeforces as well. Basically, I wished to (in distant future) have a CodeLater button in SPOJ as well as Codeforces problems (something which might require considerable efforts in analyzing the respective webpages etc.)