shoes / shoes-deprecated

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packaging a Mac executable on Windows 7 #193

Open remosewa opened 12 years ago

remosewa commented 12 years ago

I have shoes 3.1 policeman and I'm trying to create a stand alone executable for OSX. I have been able to successfully do so for Windows, but when I try making one for OSX or Linux, the packager freezes up. I can create a .dmg file only if I select "No, download shoes if it is absent"

steveklabnik commented 12 years ago

This is related to #161. #62, and everything here:

Basically, the packager is all fsckd up right now.

remosewa commented 12 years ago

Is there any workaround for this problem? I don't understand how to do either of these:

Via --shy. This should work. By compiling your app and Shoes together. This is what I do with Hackety Hack. Totally works

steveklabnik commented 12 years ago

The packager has an option to build a .shy file. Your user then opens the .shy with their own pair of Shoes, and it works.

The 'compiling' is via the APP parameter to the rake task. There is currently no documentation on this, it's mentioned in #153. I've made a note to document it in #194.