shoes / shoes3

a tiny graphical app kit for ruby
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Updating gems installed using Shoes.setup #431

Closed JDsnyke closed 5 years ago

JDsnyke commented 5 years ago

Any ideas on how I could go about updating the gems downloaded during Shoes.setup part of the app?

Is there a built in feature? If not, any recommendations?


ccoupe commented 5 years ago

If you know the version number, then use the normal gem version string

   hrpicot  >0.81

Or whatever the gem syntax is. There is no way to automatically update gems that are already downloaded and cached unless you do the above dance. You don't mention the platform your running on (Windows? ) Shoes places its gems in {APPDATA} and you can manage them from the command line $cshoes.exe -g list -l

JDsnyke commented 5 years ago

Thanks! @ccoupe