shoes / shoes3

a tiny graphical app kit for ruby
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Shoes cannot operate properly if not run as an admin #435

Closed dredknight closed 5 years ago

dredknight commented 5 years ago

I tried to install a remote gem but got the following error


The issue is that Shoes does not have enough rights to create folder so it doesnt do it and get this error.

If I "Run as Administrator" Shoes things are fine. Not sure if this is an issue but decided to register it for the sake of housekeeping.


When I list local gems and go to Rubyzip and click "Load test" I get this message image

And when I click "OK" i get this one.


I believe for some reason rubyzip is not working properly anymore.

ccoupe commented 5 years ago

@dredknight - that's an error! Shoes should be installing gems in your user area % APPDAT% and shouldn't be playing in your installed shoes area. It is possible the gem is asking for something else though. The manifest/spec would have the clue. Many gems fail the Cobbler load test but are perfectly good. It's safe to ignore that - assuming you can require the gem in your code. That's the better test.

dredknight commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I cannot require the gem in the code :( image

ccoupe commented 5 years ago

You can try to delete it from cobbler. There is a zip writer built in to Shoes - it's how we create osx distributions although there are some peculiarities for Windows, presumably that's why the rubyzip project exists.

ccoupe commented 5 years ago

On my Windows 7 the rubyzip gem installed fine. The spec file is in at C:\Users\Cecil\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Shoes\lib\ruby\gems\2.3.0\specifications . It's AppData\Local but after that the name has changed to include that VirtualStore stuff. I don't remember that. BTW, the load test works on that one. I know you are on Win 10. Is Shoes marked for Win 7 compatibility?

dredknight commented 5 years ago

Not sure what it was but uninstall, restart and install shoes fixed the issue. Thank you!