shoes / shoes3

a tiny graphical app kit for ruby
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Tearing / Bleed while scrolling #439

Open JDsnyke opened 5 years ago

JDsnyke commented 5 years ago


After upgrading to 3.3.7, I seem to have issues with scrolling on my shoes app. Content seems to bleed out of the top and bottom. Any advice? (Refer to image)



ccoupe commented 5 years ago

@JDsnyke - what platform Linux (and which one) or Windows are you using? If Linux, which theme? It matter because Shoes is very dependent on which version of the Gkt3 libraries is being used. The picture above looks normal for a layout that has more content in the window than height allows so Shoes sets up the scroll bar so you can get to it all.

JDsnyke commented 5 years ago

@ccoupe I'm using Windows 10. I am not using any themes (so default one). I get that there's more content than the height which leads to the scroll. I am confused as to why the buttons seem to jump out / bleed out of the borders when scrolling. 😖

ccoupe commented 5 years ago

Hmm. Flow layouts will jump when resizing horizontally but that is not what you describe. You said it only happened after upgrading. Before you go back to 3.3.6 can you share your app or reduced it to something small that shows the problem?

JDsnyke commented 5 years ago

Bit busy with some other work. I'll close this issue for now and give an update when I do so.

dredknight commented 5 years ago

Scrolling is working on my app:


ccoupe commented 5 years ago

I was able to recreate the problem. Just run the cobbler in win10, manage gems, list local and scroll up and down.

ccoupe commented 5 years ago

This turns out to be related to issue #424. I found a patch for gtk3 windows that fixes this problem and some hacks we made in 424 (for Windows 10). There is a beta here that should fix the problem. If it fails or has some other problem, please mention that is the beta.

dredknight commented 5 years ago

Ah, that is an old problem indeed - you can even see that it happens on my image above.