shoes / shoes3

a tiny graphical app kit for ruby
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Suggest file / folder save location or name #444

Open JDsnyke opened 5 years ago

JDsnyke commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to suggest a file name or location when using 'ask_save_file' for example? If not, it would be a useful feature to have in future releases...

ccoupe commented 5 years ago

The last time I looked at this problem I found that it wasn't an easy to do or not portable. FWIW, osx and gtk (and windows) have opposite defaults. One opens the same as the last selection and one open somewhere else. Depending on what you want, both are a disappoint. They are incredibly slow too as they cache all the icons. Let's keep this issue open.

ccoupe commented 5 years ago

In Gtk3 (Linux and Windows) this does seem doable although the gnome wizards think it's not good policy - like they've never been wrong before! I haven't checked cocoa docs yet for OSX but it's one of those options that doesn't have to be cross platform, IMO. We already accept a option hash for those dialogs so dir: <dir_path> and file: <filename>. On the native side of things there is some work since that code is troublesome and to use a technical term, 'limping on life support'. It needs a rethink/rework.

ccoupe commented 5 years ago

@JDsnyke , For a workaround the panel for the file chooser is pretty flexible. You can add directories to it and they stick through a reboot. Just right click the directory and "bookmark" it.

ccoupe commented 5 years ago

I love finding undocumented things in Shoes! There was code in there to filter by file types. I added the suggest 'dir:' and while I was there I added a 'hidden:' option to show the hidden dot files. I've wanted that option frequently. Here's a little test script do
  stack do
    flow do
          para "Start Here: "
          @el = edit_line 
          #@el.text = Dir.getwd
          button "Open" do
            fp = ask_open_file title: "My App wants", dir: @el.text, 
            types: {"Ruby" => "*.rb", "All" => "*"}, hidden: true 
            if fp 
              @el.text = File.dirname(fp)
              @msgbox.append fp+"\n"
      @msgbox = edit_box width: 300

One other change. If you don't specify any options, it's likely to open in your HOME folder. Also the 'types' option doesn't work on OSX but that's OK. Beta's at the usual place - The 64 bit exe only works on win10.

JDsnyke commented 5 years ago

Good stuff @ccoupe! I'll test out the beta when I can.