shoes / shoes3

a tiny graphical app kit for ruby
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Window resize #456

Closed DrSloth closed 4 years ago

DrSloth commented 4 years ago

Is there anyway to resize Shoes apps manually? Normal apps can be resized by dragging at the edges, but i found no way to do it with shoes. Fullscreen works but the clickable area of links aren't at the same spot as the links. I am using a Windows 10 PC.

Thanks in advance.

ccoupe commented 4 years ago

You can enable window resizing with an option passed to like: width: 350, height: 400, resizeable: true do

Fullscreen works but the clickable area of links aren't at the same spot as the links. I am using a Windows 10 PC.

Which version of Shoes are you using? This bug keeps recurring and getting fixed only to show up again.

DrSloth commented 4 years ago

I am using shoes 3.3.7. I already tried that solution but it didn't work. The app window is behaving kind of weird in some ways, first this resizing issue and i also can't move the window. Everything else is working fine

ccoupe commented 4 years ago

You can try this test script from issue #372 250, height: 100, resizable: false) do
    @p = para
    flow do
        button("enable") do
            app.resizable = true
        button("disable") do
            app.resizable = false
    animate do
        @p.replace "resizable #{app.resizable}"

my copy of 3.3.7 (I have lots of copies) is a little buggy with my Win 10, too. The 3.3.8 beta works better, for me.

DrSloth commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much the 3.3.8 is working very well on my machine.