shoes / shoes3

a tiny graphical app kit for ruby
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Menu trim for windows #459

Closed JDsnyke closed 4 years ago

JDsnyke commented 4 years ago

Is there a menu trim option for windows similar to "OSX_Menu_Trim: true"?

I've wanted to hide the "Shoes entries of Open, Manual, Cobbler, Package and Profile in the global menubar".

If not, is this a feature we could have in the next next version of shoes?

ccoupe commented 4 years ago

For Shoes or for an app written in Shoes? For Shoes, search for a `startup.yaml' and change the 'use_menus' setting. For an app, the default is no menus unless you code for it or have a 'startup.yaml' file in the App's main directory (And you code for them)

For OSX, you can't get rid of all Menus Shoes->Open is used be some folks for AppleScript. Full screen might do what you want. Those are the options.

JDsnyke commented 4 years ago

All good @ccoupe. Thanks for clearing things up!