shoes / shoes3

a tiny graphical app kit for ruby
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Video player becomes transparent on sides after playing a video file #460

Open crazynoob04 opened 4 years ago

crazynoob04 commented 4 years ago

I made a very simple video player, just modified some things from the example script. But in both example script and mine, player sides will become transparent when playing a video.


Is there any way to fix this? Is there a VideoLan option to set?

I'm on WIndows 10 and i'm using Shoes 3.8. Can't use 3.7 cause of another bug that stops me from draggind around app windows

ccoupe commented 4 years ago

Congratulations - you are the first person I know to use the Vlc option and report a bug. Sadly, it's not really going to get any attention from me. However, it is written in Ruby so if you know what the VLC library wants you can modified the Ruby. The code if pretty dense. It's in lib/shoes/videoffi.rb in your Shoes installation folder. A bit of pain to work on if you need admin privileges, but you can install shoes anywhere (remove the old version first)

ccoupe commented 4 years ago

There is an opacity setting for Shoes that you should try first.

crazynoob04 commented 4 years ago

Congratulations - you are the first person I know to use the Vlc option and report a bug. Sadly, it's not really going to get any attention from me. However, it is written in Ruby so if you know what the VLC library wants you can modified the Ruby. The code if pretty dense. It's in lib/shoes/videoffi.rb in your Shoes installation folder. A bit of pain to work on if you need admin privileges, but you can install shoes anywhere (remove the old version first)

Hahaha thank you, i'm still sad i bring bad news... However I'm pretty far to be an expert in coding, so this way may be too much complicated for me.

There is an opacity setting for Shoes that you should try first.

Could you gently explain me how to use this opacity setting? I searched for good in the manual but i didn't saw any opacity setting, is it only for strokes and flows? Thanks in advance for your time.

ccoupe commented 4 years ago

In the manual under App Metthods, app.opacity = 0.0 is fully transparent and 1.0 is fully opaque. There even a little test snippet.

crazynoob04 commented 4 years ago

I'm using Shoes 3.8 beta, and under App Methods i can't fine any. However i tried to implement it in my code and it didn't worked. It's hours i'm on Shoes now, i will get some rest then i try some more on Shoes 3.7, maybe the beta doesn't make it work. I have another problem on Shoes 3.7, when i run any app, it gets stuck on the bottom right of the screen. I can't even drag it with the mouse.

ccoupe commented 4 years ago do
   @b = banner "Opacity\n"

   slider fraction: 1.0 do |n|
      app.opacity = n.fraction
      @b.text = "Opacity %.2f\n" % n.fraction
crazynoob04 commented 4 years ago do
   @b = banner "Opacity\n"

   slider fraction: 1.0 do |n|
      app.opacity = n.fraction
      @b.text = "Opacity %.2f\n" % n.fraction

This works like a charm, but it doesn't work when it comes to video. Before i play the video the player looks fine, after i play it, the sides of the player turns transparent as in the pic above, and if i stop the video while playing it, the whole player stack will become trasnparent.