shoes / shoes3

a tiny graphical app kit for ruby
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icon #465

Closed k13nismo closed 3 years ago

k13nismo commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to use alert, but the image is broken.

Using alert at sample/good/reminder.rb alert

And "Open file ..." as well. open

any solutions?

ccoupe commented 3 years ago

Is this Windows ? Which version of Shoes? Depending on that there may be a theme related bug. It's not likely to be fixed because I'm not writing code anymore.

k13nismo commented 3 years ago

Running on Ubuntu 20.04LTS. Shoes is 3.3.6 # cat VERSION.txt shoes walkabout 3.3.6 r(3173) x86_64-linux 2018-02-08 04:25:23 +0000

There is no problem when 18.04LTS . So, I expected some configure or libraries missing on my new environment.

ccoupe commented 3 years ago

For certain, Ubuntu 20.04 has a much newer gtk3 lib than shoes 3.3.6 is expecting. Shoes 3.3.7 may help you - it's been out for a year or more. The 3.3.8 beta also has improvement with gtk3 but contains some regressions (which may not affect you) - one reason it may never get out of beta. Gtk3 has been a moving target up to Gtk 3.24.nn with breaking changes and Shoes has a hard time maintaining compatibility with (say ) Gtk 3.16 and Gtk 3.24 using one Shoes binary for all.

There is no problem when 18.04LTS . So, I expected some configure or libraries missing on my new environment.

Missing libraries will cause Shoes not to load at all. Wrong versions of libraries do cause problems. The choice of X11 or wayland affects Shoes (3.3.8 is better for wayland). Then there is what ubuntu and gnome have done with menus and themes. If you start shoes from the commandline $ ~/.shoes/walkabout/shoes path/to/file.rb you may get some error complaints on the terminal that would be helpful. There are lot of knobs that can be turned with Gtk3/themes/Shoes.

k13nismo commented 3 years ago

For 3.3.7 and 3.3.8, I tried it in some hours ago, and didn't solve. Another issue for 3.3.7/3.3.8, was that the size of the buttons had changed in my app...

Thanks for your advice. I will try various things.

ccoupe commented 3 years ago

Here is Shoes 3.3.6 on Mint 19.1+Cinnamon image

It looks different on Raspbian - Buster image

I did have Ubuntu 20.04 on a Jetson Nano but I installed Xfce on it. On Xfce the alert looks like the Mint alert except the icon is different. The dialog appearance greatly depends on the theme (and the api used to call it). This only the latest reason I don't use Ubuntu + GnomeShell anymore and a large reason to stop maintaining Shoes because it's only going to get harder to keep up

k13nismo commented 3 years ago

xfwm4 change default theme on update. I was downgrade 4.14 to 4.12, but display did not change.

スクリーンショット 2020-09-09 10-52-04

If you start shoes from the commandline $ ~/.shoes/walkabout/shoes path/to/file.rb you may get some error complaints on the terminal that would be helpful.

There no message. Shoes console(alt+/) as well.

ccoupe commented 3 years ago

If I had to guess, the icon that is being selected is too large or being resized larger than the space. A bug in Gtk3 and/or the theme and/or icons file or Shoes is using an older Gtk Api. I can't replicate it so that's going to be hard to fix. The code in question is

There is a second bug --OK(0) should be just OK. That maybe another clue to what is going wrong.

k13nismo commented 3 years ago

Solve problems are hard to me, I give up. As far as don't see the icon, my app is fine. I'm going to workaround this issue by displaying a messages in the "window" without using "alert".

Thank you for investigating.

k13nismo commented 3 years ago

Cause was the icon theme.(LoginIcons) Same issue was find on Xubuntu 20.10 . I change icon theme, and this issue was not find.

Icon theme is xfce elemental. image