shoes / shoes3

a tiny graphical app kit for ruby
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Replace hacked website #469

Open sorin-postelnicu opened 9 months ago

sorin-postelnicu commented 9 months ago

Since the domain was hijacked, parts of the documentation and the downloads packages are lost (or not accessible to the public). Could some of the maintainers of this repo replace any reference to the lost website to a new (active and proper) website?

Would you need some help in setting up a new domain/hosting? Or could the main website be used to migrate all the old material that was on the website? (Hopefully you still have the old webpages and files) Also, don't forget to remove from the website any references to the hijacked website.

ccoupe commented 9 months ago

It is not hacked. Don't use inflammatory language when the truth is sufficient. I turned it off several years ago. I can do that because I paid for it. Nobody cared very much back then.

sorin-postelnicu commented 9 months ago

Dear Cecil, I apologize, I did not mean to use inflammatory language. I honestly believed that the domain was inadvertently hijacked or hacked, and replaced with an inappropriate website. I am new to using this Shoes library, which seems to be an excellent framework, and it's a pity that it was abandoned.

Does anyone have the original files and webpages that were on the old mvmanila domain (and which are still being referenced in a lot of places on the shoesrb website and in this github repository) ? Maybe there is a way to republish them to a new domain (or on the domain).

ccoupe commented 9 months ago

Cecil, without that final 'e' ;-). I probably have backups of the mvmanila website pages since it was my domain and website. The shoesrb website is statically generated from a template maintained by the Shoes4 folks (also a dead project).. The problem is nobody wants to do the work - AND it is a lot of work and some of it very obscure, like Windows C development experience. And OSX Objective C developers. Even if you could find those people it is so out of date the first thing they would do is update everything and that would take a year or two (part time). Shoes is dead.