shoes / shoes4

Shoes 4 : the next version of Shoes
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Advanced Layouts #16

Open ccoupe opened 12 years ago

ccoupe commented 12 years ago

This is another feature creep that some folks want from Shoes. Treeview and tableview layouts. I have no idea how that could be done in a Shoes Friendly DSL. I'm just bookmarking the issue.

ashbb commented 12 years ago

Is treeview layout like this? What is tableview layout like?

ccoupe commented 12 years ago

In my vernacular, table view would be the scrolling panes in iTunes player (or Rhythmbox or WMP ) for author, album, songs and the width of each field in the table can be modified by the user. I know better but some people believe that shoes should be able to these complicated things.

pjfitzgibbons commented 12 years ago

Maybe :

table_config = { cols: 3, header:true, gridlines:true, ... }

Shoes::Table(table_config) do{|d| [, d.size, d.age] } end

shideneyu commented 11 years ago

Hi, is there any news concerning being able to create a new table in Shoes or implementing it on Shoes4 ? I've found this bunch of code, from someone trying to make it.

Here is what I've done using that code (on top of that, I need it for my own software x] ) but there are a lot of issues and glitches. The code is provided on the debugging branch of my shid'o'crack repository.

As you can see, it is ratherly ugly :-s I have found 3 issues with it: when we scroll and click somewhere on the table, it will select a random line instead of the selected one. The second issue that the "hover" behavior is really slow and isn't stable. Third issue, text size canno't be changed. Last but not least, the "leave" block is completely useless, I have found a way to refactorise the code, and saved a lot of lines, but the issues are remaining.

I think the best thing to do is to create a new table module from scratch. I'm sorry, I don't think I have the required knowledge but if I could, I will try to help =)

Maybe with Shoes4, making a nice table with swt may be more suitable than creating a shoes 4's own table module?

PragTob commented 11 years ago

Hi there, for me, this is definitely still on the road map for shoes4 as it's a cool idea! :-)

However, speaking from my point of view, we first want to get the basics of shoes right - then we can really see about enhancements, especially bigger ones like this one :-)

You can always help, we're happy about anyone helping us! And of course we'd gladly help you help us! =)

We'd have to evaluate, but if SWT has already a table module we might as well use this one and wrap it in a nice shoes syntax.

Cheers + Shoes on, Tobi

shideneyu commented 11 years ago

Thank you ! I'll try to understand how does Shoes 4's code work during the next days in order to try implementing one of these two solutons (debugging the SWT module I'm using, or use that SWT table module (it exists :) ! => )

I don't guarantee anything, but I would really like to do so, because I do really think that in order to be famous, Shoes needs to handle tables :) On top of that it will unstuck me for my last project and seems to be an interresting work.

I'll let you know the progress =)