shoes / shoes4

Shoes 4 : the next version of Shoes
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Bring(Focus) GUI to the top of z-index programmingly #855

Open MillerTheBest opened 10 years ago

MillerTheBest commented 10 years ago

Hi there,

I'm not sure whether we have this feature, but can we programmingly bring the GUI to the top of all the windows?

So, saying that I can click on a button the GUI which opens a browser, so the browser will be 'focused' and viewed on the top of other windows. When my stuff is done, I leave the browser open for later usage and I update my GUI programmingly. However, how can I bring GUI to be viewed on the top of all the windows? I tried to alert(), but it doesn't focus on the GUI on my Mac, instead of which, the application icon is bumping.

Any thoughts? Thank you.

PragTob commented 10 years ago

Hi there,

thanks for the report. There is no feature like that at the moment and I'm not aware of a Shoes function that does this.

It seems to be possible with Java SWT, thoguh. So, we might implement it at some point in the future (4.1.0 milestone).

Doesn't seem to be too difficult as well.

MillerTheBest commented 10 years ago

Cool, thanks.