Open shokai opened 12 years ago
it is not working for me always (sometimes does:)) but mostly i got error: Errno::EAGAIN: Resource temporarily unavailable - write would block running on 1.9.3 but tried on 1.9.2 also
thank you for report. I'll check it.
on Linux OS, dissable nonblocking IO
arduino = ArduinoFirmata.connect '/dev/tty.usb-device-name', :nonblock_io => false
I have been playing around with this gem and have been having trouble with the sinatra script.
$:.unshift File.expand_path '../lib', File.dirname(__FILE__)
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'eventmachine'
require 'arduino_firmata'
arduino = ArduinoFirmata.connect nil, :nonblock_io => true
arduino.pin_mode 13, ArduinoFirmata::OUTPUT
get '/' do
redirect './on'
get '/on' do
arduino.digital_write 13, true
"<p><a href='./off'>LED OFF</a></p>"
get '/off' do
arduino.digital_write 13, false
"<p><a href='./on'>LED ON</a></p>"
This is the code I'm currently using, which does end in a sinatra page and supposed connection altough the led doesn't light up when I go to /on. I did remove :eventmachine => true because it was causing an error but I don't think it was even used in this code.
I have also tried setting :nonblock_io to false but then the ruby script just gets stuck at this line: arduino = ArduinoFirmata.connect 'dev/tty.usbmodem1411', :nonblock_io => false
And I have gotten blink led to work. Does it have to do with the fact that I dont have a loop or do I need to use a special firmata for the arduino besides standard_firmata?
The sinatra example it only works if I connect to the arduino each call like:
get '/on' do
arduino = ArduinoFirmata.connect
analog = arduino.analog_read(0)
arduino.digital_write 13, ArduinoFirmata::HIGH
"<p>analog : #{analog}</p><p><a href='./off'>LED OFF</a></p>"
get '/off' do
arduino = ArduinoFirmata.connect
analog = arduino.analog_read(0)
arduino.digital_write 13, ArduinoFirmata::LOW
"<p>analog : #{analog}</p><p><a href='./on'>LED ON</a></p>"
which is not correct. I can't figure out what is wrong, I tried to update firmata but nothing happend.
control arduino via HTTP