sholloway / cells

A Javascript module for simulating Conway's Game of Life in a browser."
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Benchmark Linear Quadtree vs Pointer Quadtree Construction #63

Open sholloway opened 4 years ago

sholloway commented 4 years ago

The slowest thing in the simulation is the construction of the quadtree every frame. It may be faster to construct a linear quadtree using Z-Ordering rather than using the pointer quadtree approach.


Operations to Benchmark


sholloway commented 4 years ago

Spent a lot of time on this. Construction of a Z-curve is faster than building a pointer quadtree. However, performing range searches on the Z-curve using the bigmin algorithm is quite slow and not practical for this use case. Performing binary search on a sorted z-curve is quite fast, but initially sorting the curve is expensive and not a good fit for dynamically growing/shrinking data sets.

While replacing the quadtree with an Z-Curve is not feasible, the Morton encoding is still useful. There are a few properties of the cellular automata simulations that can be exploited.

  1. The total number of cells on a full grid can fit in a hash table in memory.
  2. The Morton encoding of 2D Cartesian coordinates is very fast and can is a good option as a unique key for each live cell.
  3. The range searches of the simulation are always the Moore neighborhood of a given cell.

Given these properties the quadtree can be replaced with a simpler solution of storing live cells in a Map object with the cell's Morton code as its key. The Moore neighborhood range searches are replaced by simply looking up each neighborhood in the map.