shonny-ua / gulp-rev-collector

Static asset revision data collector from manifests, with was generated from different streams and replace they's links in html template.
MIT License
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@font-face not work #42

Open kang-lyk opened 7 years ago

kang-lyk commented 7 years ago

I user ‘gulp-filter ’

gulp.task('css', function() {   
    let plugins = [
        filterCss = filter('**/*.css', {restore: true});

        .pipe(sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true})) 
            replaceReved: true

Images is OK,

.logo {
    width: 388px;
    height: 120px;
    background: #fff url(images/logo.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
.logo {
    width: 388px;
    height: 120px;
    background: #fff url(images/logo-4761c15022.png) 0 0 no-repeat;

But @font-face not work

@font-face {font-family: "iconfont";
    src: url('fonts/iconfont.eot?t=1505980166163'); /* IE9*/
    src: url('fonts/iconfont.eot?t=1505980166163#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */
    url('fonts/iconfont.ttf?t=1505980166163') format('truetype'), /* chrome, firefox, opera, Safari, Android, iOS 4.2+*/
    url('fonts/iconfont.svg?t=1505980166163#iconfont') format('svg'); /* iOS 4.1- */
shonny-ua commented 7 years ago

Your file suffix for fonts placed in query part of link? Not in filename suffix? Can You write Your work manifest file content?