shonny-ua / gulp-rev-collector

Static asset revision data collector from manifests, with was generated from different streams and replace they's links in html template.
MIT License
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it doesn't replace dependency #50

Closed mariodeci closed 6 years ago

mariodeci commented 6 years ago

I'm using TS with import, for example in app.module.ts I have: import {CheckedDirective} from "./common/directives/checked.directive";

checked.directive is a TS in that directory.

With gulp-rev, after tsc, it is correctly revisioned as: checked-0a90e14b3d.directive.js and inserted in manifest "app/common/directives/checked.directive.js": "app/common/directives/checked-0a90e14b3d.directive.js",

gulp-rev-collector doesn't rewrite the dependency in "app/app-c3170cc5cd.module.js", it remains: var checked_directive_1 = require("./common/directives/checked.directive");

What can I do? My gulp tasks:

`gulp.task('revision:rename', () => gulp.src([ BUILD_DIR+"//*.html", BUILD_DIR+"/*/.css", BUILD_DIR+"//*.js", "!"+BUILD_DIR+"/index.html", "!"+BUILD_DIR+"/favicon.ico", BUILD_DIR+"/*/.{jpg,png,jpeg,gif,svg,ico,PNG}"]) .pipe(rev()) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_ASSEMBLE)) .pipe(rev.manifest({ path: 'manifest.json' })) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_ASSEMBLE)) );

//update references in js but not rewrite //import {CheckedDirective} from "./common/directives/checked.directive"; //in import {CheckedDirective} from "./common/directives/checked-0a90e14b3d.directive"; gulp.task("revision:updateReferences", () => gulp.src([DIST_ASSEMBLE+"/manifest.json","distassemble/*/.{html,json,css,js}"]) .pipe(collect()) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_ASSEMBLE)) );`

shonny-ua commented 6 years ago

You car reach the result:

  1. using gulp-rev-collector v1.3.0
  2. change your manifest to
    "common/directives/checked.directive.js": "common/directives/checked-0a90e14b3d.directive.js",

    or change require call to

    var checked_directive_1 = require("../app/common/directives/checked.directive");
  3. using extMap option for gulp-rev-collector like:
    var revCollector = require('gulp-rev-collector');
    .pipe( revCollector({
            extMap: {
                '.directive.js': '.directive'
    }) )
mariodeci commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your response but: 1) manifest: why removing initial "app" is important? I think problem is the extension .js that isn't in my import (TS) /require (JS). Also each time I must rewrite my manifest? It's about 5000rows!

2) I can't change require call var checked_directive_1 = require("../app/common/directives/checked.directive"); cause all js are automatically generated from typescript with TSC (gulp previous task). The chain is: program in TS --> gulp tsc to automatically obtain .js that I don't change --> gulp rev + gulp collector

3) With extMap I must write all dependeces manually? I've a lot (a lot!) import for each TS/JS, and in this way what's the help of gulp-rev-collector? Example for 1 file: import {HasPermissionDirective} from "./common/directives/hasPermission.directive"; import {PermissionService} from "./permission/permission.service"; import {UserService} from "./admin/user/user.service"; import {LoggingService} from "./admin/logging/logging.service"; import {OrderBy} from "./common/pipes/orderBy.pipe"; import {UserRegionsPanelComponent} from "./admin/user/detail/user-regions-panel.component"; import {UserTipieventoPanelComponent} from "./admin/user/detail/user-tipievento-panel.component"; import {MessageService} from "./common/services/message.service"; import {HttpResponseHandlerService} from "./app.httpResponseHandler.service"; import {RoleService} from "./admin/role/role.service"; import {UserListPipe} from "./admin/user/list/user-list.pipe";

I missing something: import in TS is a standard, so why collector doesn't recognize it?

shonny-ua commented 6 years ago
  1. yes! my module cant find pattern app/common/directives/checked.directive in string ./common/directives/checked.directive to replacement. without serios rewrite it can`t. you can modify content of your manifests before using collector. ETC:
    var through         = require('through2');

function replacer() { return through.obj(function(file, enc, cb){ if (path.extname(file) === '.json') { var src = file.contents.toString('utf8'); src = src.replace(/"app\//g, '"/'); file.contents = new Buffer(src); } this.push(file); cb(); }); } ...

gulp.task("revision:updateReferences", () => gulp.src([DIST_ASSEMBLE+"/manifest.json","distassemble/*/.{html,json,css,js}"]) .pipe(replacer()) .pipe(collect({extMap: { '.directive.js': '.directive', '.service.js': '.service', '.pipe.js': '.pipe', '.module.js': '.module' }})) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST_ASSEMBLE)) );

without 5000 rows modyfy... 
2. if you realise 1, it don't needed.
3. yes. you need rules for ```.directive```, ```.service```, ```.pipe```... what else? ```.module```...
isn't a "lot" variants. copypast them from exsample below...
mariodeci commented 6 years ago

thanks for your reply

  1. In this code there are a lot of custom pattern for file names used in import/require. Example for another generated js: var utilService_1 = require("./admin/utilService"); var persone_component_1 = require("./event/detail/panelModal/persone-component"); var inputswitch_1 = require("primeng/components/inputswitch/inputswitch"); var risorse_materiali_component_1 = require("./event/detail/panelModal/risorse-materiali-component"); ...

different from file to file, so I thinking there is no simple way to rev and replace dependencies in my case with gulp-rev and gulp-rev-collector :( I hoped that there was a plugin for automatically scan and then rev and replace all "import" present in all my TS (all "require" in all generated JS)