shonny-ua / gulp-rev-collector

Static asset revision data collector from manifests, with was generated from different streams and replace they's links in html template.
MIT License
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How do I delete old version files? #51

Open whdeairen opened 6 years ago

whdeairen commented 6 years ago


like this ,我想要唯一的joc.js

whdeairen commented 6 years ago

I want delete old version files

shonny-ua commented 6 years ago


var gulp            = require('gulp');
var PluginError  = require('plugin-error');
var rimraf          = require('rimraf');
var revOutdated     = require('gulp-rev-outdated');
var path            = require('path');
var through         = require('through2');
function cleaner() {
    return through.obj(function(file, enc, cb){
        rimraf( path.resolve( (file.cwd || process.cwd()), file.path), function (err) {
            if (err) {
                this.emit('error', new PluginError('Cleanup old files', err));

gulp.src( [settings.dest + '/joc*.js'], {read: false})
        .pipe( revOutdated() )
        .pipe( cleaner() );