shooter64738 / grbl-mega

Grbl Mega 2560 with Backlash Compensation
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GRBL Alarm:2 after 2. change of the direction, backlash compensation #4

Closed ChristianBrandtner closed 4 years ago

ChristianBrandtner commented 4 years ago

Problem with backlash compensation in use: the compiled hexfile Grbl_mega_back_compC.hex $I [VER:1.1g.20180813.Mega:] [OPT:VNM+,35,255]


  1. homing the machine 2.g0 x 100 checking comp loop ok $G [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0] ok 3.g0 x 50 checking comp loop axis 0 set for compok $G [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0] ok 4.g0 x 100 checking comp loop axis 0 set for compALARM:2 [MSG:Reset to continue]

the error is reproducible.

complete terminaloutput in attachement


ChristianBrandtner commented 4 years ago

the error is fixed. normaly all targetvalues are negativ values, in case of backlash the targetvalue (backlash value) could be positiv. In this case "limits_soft_check" returns an error. In file motioncontrol.c in function mc_line


if (!(pl_data->condition & (1 << PL_COND_FLAG_BACKLASH_COMP))) {limits_soft_check(target);}

that means, no limit check in case of backlash motion.

shooter64738 commented 4 years ago

Hey! I try to keep up with this but some permanent health issues are getting in my way. Glad you have it corrected. I will merge it into the tree