Closed KIlian42 closed 3 years ago
This is the world model at the beginning:
And this at the end (at the heap exhausting time point):
Also the amounts of atoms doesn't increase (because I'm always deleting obsolete atoms).
But I would like to diversify my problem and understand why the shop planner needs so much memory
SHOP needs a lot of stack space because it uses the process stack as its search stack. This means that you are left with stack frames anywhere there's a choice point (and probably some others, as well -- I don't believe we manage to prune all the cases where there is only a single choice, or where we are exploring the last choice.
also when it just need to find a single plan (with around 5000 operations).
This is because it is keeping around all the choice points. To find a plan with 5000 operations, you will have k * 5000
stack frames.
You can make things somewhat more efficient by using find-plans-stack
instead of find-plans
. This mode is somewhat experimental (e.g., it doesn't support :which :all
yet), but should work for your problem.
I'm intrigued that you get a heap exhausted error instead of blowing the stack.
Does Shop saves all world models for each planning step?
No. SHOP has only a single world state, in a difference style representation (so changes are popped off on backtracking). That should not be the cause of your problem.
Or does Shop uses something like a preprocessing grounding technique when seeking a plan?
SHOP is a lifted planner, and operators are not grounded until they are inserted into the plan.
I'll have a look at your domain and problem and see what might be causing this.
Here is my planning domain:
(defun delete_old_blockations (time l)
(setq new (list ))
(loop for x in l do
(if (or (and (= (nth 0 x) -1) (= (nth 1 x) 0)) (< time (+ (nth 0 x) (nth 1 x))))
(setq new (append new (list x)))))
(sort new #'< :key #'car)
(defun get_ore (p l) ;p = payload of truck; l = lists of blocks at shovel -> list-item: (rock-type amount)
(defparameter b (car l)) ;extract next block
(if (<= (nth 1 b) p)
;block <= payload -> return block as payload
(if (> (length (cdr l)) 0)
; and further blocks at shovel left
(append (list b) (list (cdr l)))
; without further blocks at shovel left
(list b))
;block > payload -> return payload and reduced block at shovel
(if (> (length (cdr l)) 0)
; with reduced block and further blocks at shovel left
(progn (defparameter new_block_value (- (nth 1 b) p))
(defparameter new_block (append (list (nth 0 b)) (list new_block_value)))
(defparameter new_l (append (list new_block) (cdr l)))
(defparameter new_payload (list (car b) p))
(append (list new_payload) (list new_l)))
; with only reduced block at shovel left
(progn (defparameter new_block_value (- (nth 1 b) p))
(defparameter new_block (append (list (nth 0 b)) (list new_block_value)))
(defparameter new_payload (list (car b) p))
(append (list new_payload) (list (list new_block)))))))
(defun get_start_time (s d l)
(loop for x in l do
(setq e (+ s d))
(setq start (car x))
(setq end (+ (car x) (nth 1 x)))
(if (> end s)
(if (and (= start s) (= end e))
(setq s (+ (car x) (car (cdr x))))
(if (and (and (> end s) (<= end e)) (and (>= start s) (< start e)))
(setq s (+ (car x) (car (cdr x))))
(if (and (<= start s) (<= e end))
(setq s (+ (car x) (car (cdr x))))
(if (and (> end s) (<= end e))
(setq s (+ (car x) (car (cdr x))))
(if (and (>= start s) (< start e))
(setq s (+ (car x) (car (cdr x))))
(return-from get_start_time s))))))))
(Defdomain Mine (
;---------------- AXIOMS ----------------
;(:- (global-time ?global-time) ((bagof ?time (time ?truck ?time) ?list) (assign ?global-time (maximum '?list))))
;(:- (empty ?source) ((ore-at ?source ?blocks) (eval (not (if '?blocks 1)))))
;(:- (goal-reached) ((forall (?source) (source ?source) (empty ?source))))
;(:- (goal-reached) ((ore-at g1 100)))
;---------------- AXIOMS ----------------
;---------------- OPERATORS ----------------
(:op (!drive-to ?truck ?old-loc ?loc ?start ?duration)
:delete ((truck ?truck ?start ?old-loc ?payload ?payload-max)
(distance ?old-distance))
:add ((truck ?truck ?end ?loc ?payload ?payload-max)
(distance ?new-distance))
:precond ((truck ?truck ?start ?old-loc ?payload ?payload-max)
(assign ?end (eval (+ ?start ?duration)))
(route ?route ?old-loc ?loc ?duration ?distance)
(distance ?old-distance)
(assign ?new-distance (+ ?old-distance ?distance)))
:cost 0
(:op (!queueing ?truck ?loc ?start ?duration)
:delete ((truck ?truck ?start ?loc ?payload ?payload-max)
(queue ?old-queuetime))
:add ((truck ?truck ?end ?loc ?payload ?payload-max)
(queue ?new-queuetime))
:precond ((truck ?truck ?start ?loc ?payload ?payload-max)
(assign ?end (eval (+ ?start ?duration)))
(queue ?old-queuetime)
(assign ?new-queuetime (+ ?old-queuetime ?duration)))
:cost 0
(:op (!load ?truck ?source ?start ?duration)
:delete ((truck ?truck ?start ?source ?payload ?payload-max)
(ore-at ?source ?stack)
(idle ?source ?idle)
(utilization ?source ?old-n ?old-utilization)
(blocked ?source ?old-list))
:add ((truck ?truck ?end ?source ?new-payload ?payload-max)
(ore-at ?source ?new-stack)
(idle ?source ?end)
(utilization ?source ?new-n ?new-utilization)
(blocked ?source ?new-list))
:precond ((truck ?truck ?start ?source ?payload ?payload-max)
(ore-at ?source ?stack)
(assign ?ore-trans (get_ore ?payload-max '?stack))
(assign ?new-stack (nth 1 '?ore-trans))
(assign ?new-payload (nth 1(car '?ore-trans)))
(assign ?end (+ ?start ?duration))
(idle ?source ?idle)
(utilization ?source ?old-n ?old-utilization)
(assign ?new-n (+ ?old-n 1))
(assign ?new-utilization (+ ?old-utilization ?duration))
(blocked ?source ?old-list)
(assign ?blockation (append (list '?start) (list '?duration)))
(assign ?new-list (append '?old-list (list '?blockation))))
:cost 0
(:op (!unload ?truck ?goal ?start ?duration)
:delete ((truck ?truck ?start ?goal ?payload ?payload-max)
(ore-at ?goal ?amount)
(blocked ?goal ?old-list))
:add ((truck ?truck ?end ?goal 0 ?payload-max)
(ore-at ?goal ?new-amount)
(blocked ?goal ?new-list))
:precond ((truck ?truck ?start ?goal ?payload ?payload-max)
(ore-at ?goal ?amount)
(assign ?new-amount (+ ?amount ?payload))
(assign ?end (+ ?start ?duration))
(blocked ?goal ?old-list)
(assign ?blockation (append (list '?start) (list '?duration)))
(assign ?new-list (append '?old-list (list '?blockation))))
:cost 0
(:op (!!clear-blocking ?time)
:delete ((blocked s1 ?l1)
(blocked s2 ?l2)
(blocked s3 ?l3)
(blocked s4 ?l4)
(blocked g1 ?l5)
(blocked g2 ?l6))
:add ((blocked s1 ?new1)
(blocked s2 ?new2)
(blocked s3 ?new3)
(blocked s4 ?new4)
(blocked g1 ?new5)
(blocked g2 ?new6))
:precond ((blocked s1 ?l1) (assign ?new1 (delete_old_blockations '?time '?l1))
(blocked s2 ?l2) (assign ?new2 (delete_old_blockations '?time '?l2))
(blocked s3 ?l3) (assign ?new3 (delete_old_blockations '?time '?l3))
(blocked s4 ?l4) (assign ?new4 (delete_old_blockations '?time '?l4))
(blocked g1 ?l5) (assign ?new5 (delete_old_blockations '?time '?l5))
(blocked g2 ?l6) (assign ?new6 (delete_old_blockations '?time '?l6)))
:cost 0
;---------------- OPERATORS END ----------------
;------------- METHODS -------------
;--------------- SOME DEBUGGING HELPER METHODS ---------------
(:method (print-current-state) ((eval (print-current-state))) ())
(:method (print-current-tasks) ((eval (print-current-tasks))) ())
(:method (print-current-plan) ((eval (print-current-plan))) ())
;--------------- SOME DEBUGGING HELPER METHODS END ---------------
;--------------- METHOD 1 ---------------
(:method (haulage-loop)
(:sort-by ?time ((truck ?truck ?time ?position ?payload ?payload-max)
(time-limit ?time-limit)
(eval (<= ?time ?time-limit))
(not (goal-reached))
(heuristic ?heuristic)))
(:ordered (!!clear-blocking ?time)
(?heuristic ?truck)
;--------------- METHOD 1 END ---------------
;--------------- METHOD 2 ---------------
(:method (dispatch-cycle ?truck)
(:sort-by ?cycle-time ((source ?any-source)
(truck ?truck ?time ?position ?payload ?payload-max)
(route ?route1 ?position ?any-source ?drive-time1 ?length1)
(assign ?arrival-time1 (+ ?time ?drive-time1))
(blocked ?any-source ?list1)
(assign ?starting-time1 (get_start_time ?arrival-time1 5 '?list1))
(assign ?waiting-time1 (- ?starting-time1 ?arrival-time1))
(assign ?leaving-time (+ ?starting-time1 5))
(goal ?any-goal)
(route ?route2 ?any-source ?any-goal ?drive-time2 ?length2)
(assign ?arrival-time2 (+ ?leaving-time ?drive-time2))
(blocked ?any-goal ?list2)
(assign ?starting-time2 (get_start_time ?arrival-time2 2 '?list2))
(assign ?waiting-time2 (- ?starting-time2 ?arrival-time2))
(assign ?cycle-time (+ ?starting-time2 ?waiting-time2 2))))
(:ordered (!drive-to ?truck ?position ?any-source ?time ?drive-time1)
(queueing ?truck ?any-source ?arrival-time1 ?waiting-time1)
(!load ?truck ?any-source ?starting-time1 5)
(!drive-to ?truck ?any-source ?any-goal ?leaving-time ?drive-time2)
(queueing ?truck ?any-goal ?arrival-time2 ?waiting-time2)
(!unload ?truck ?any-goal ?starting-time2 2))
;--------------- METHOD 2 END ---------------
;--------------- METHOD 3 ---------------
(:method (queueing ?truck ?loc ?arrival ?wait)
((eval (> ?wait 0)))
((!queueing ?truck ?loc ?arrival ?wait))
((eval (<= ?wait 0)))
;--------------- METHOD 3 END ---------------
(defproblem problem Mine
((time-limit 720)
(heuristic dispatch-cycle)
(source s1)
(source s2)
(source s3)
(source s4)
(idle s1 0)
(idle s2 0)
(idle s3 0)
(idle s4 0)
(utilization s1 0 0)
(utilization s2 0 0)
(utilization s3 0 0)
(utilization s4 0 0)
(queue 0)
(distance 0)
(goal g1)
(goal g2)
(blocked s1 ((-1 0)))
(blocked s2 ((-1 0)))
(blocked s3 ((-1 0)))
(blocked s4 ((-1 0)))
(blocked g1 ((-1 0)))
(blocked g2 ((-1 0)))
(ore-at s1 ((1 1000000)))
(ore-at s2 ((1 1000000)))
(ore-at s3 ((1 1000000)))
(ore-at s4 ((1 1000000)))
(ore-at g1 0)
(ore-at g2 0)
(route r1 s1 g1 9 1.5)
(route r1 g1 s1 6 1.5)
(route r2 s2 g1 9 1.5)
(route r2 g1 s2 6 1.5)
(route r3 s3 g1 9 1.5)
(route r3 g1 s3 6 1.5)
(route r4 s4 g1 9 1.5)
(route r4 g1 s4 6 1.5)
(route r5 s1 g2 9 1.5)
(route r5 g2 s1 6 1.5)
(route r6 s2 g2 9 1.5)
(route r6 g2 s2 6 1.5)
(route r7 s3 g2 9 1.5)
(route r7 g2 s3 6 1.5)
(route r8 s4 g2 9 1.5)
(route r8 g2 s4 6 1.5)
(truck truck1 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck2 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck3 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck4 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck5 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck6 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck7 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck8 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck9 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck10 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck11 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck12 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck13 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck14 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck15 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck16 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck17 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck18 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck19 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck20 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck21 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck22 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck23 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck24 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck25 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck26 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck27 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck28 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck29 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck30 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck31 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck32 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck33 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck34 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck35 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck36 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck37 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck38 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck39 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck40 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck41 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck42 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck43 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck44 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck45 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck46 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck47 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck48 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck49 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck50 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck51 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck52 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck53 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck54 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck55 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck56 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck57 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck58 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck59 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck60 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck61 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck62 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck63 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck64 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck65 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck66 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck67 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck68 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck69 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck70 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck71 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck72 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck73 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck74 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck75 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck76 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck77 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck78 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck79 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck80 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck81 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck82 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck83 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck84 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck85 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck86 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck87 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck88 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck89 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck90 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck91 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck92 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck93 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck94 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck95 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck96 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck97 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck98 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck99 0 g1 0 50)
(truck truck100 0 g1 0 50)
(:ordered (haulage-loop))
(find-plans 'problem :which :first :verbose :plans :time-limit 720)
(asdf:load-system "shop3")
(in-package :SHOP-USER)
(load "/Users/kiliankramer/Desktop/planner2")
There is an absolutely enormous unifier when I interrupt the program -- about 22,000 elements. I'm not sure why that is happening, but it's not healthy.
I did a little clean-up (see #49), but am a little confused about the three lisp functions up top.
Note that you have been using dynamically scoped variables in a number of places -- I replaced with lexical variables. But that should not have caused the issue you see.
Thank You so much for the quick response. As soon as I’m home again I will check it.
works for me. Your report, by the way, I think shows a problem in how SHOP maintains its stack, where it can make excessive copies.
Thank you very much for your time and help! :)
There is an absolutely enormous unifier when I interrupt the program -- about 22,000 elements. I'm not sure why that is happening, but it's not healthy.
How do you display this - with (shop-trace : ...)
? :)
Do you think this might be the reason for my heap exhausting?
If yes I'm helpless what to do :D - I'm not using forall - but I use sort-by and setof/bagof in my domain. What else could cause that - too many unbound variables?... e.g. for binding (truck ?truck ...) 100 possibilities in each step
I did a little clean-up (see #49), but am a little confused about the three lisp functions up top.
Note that you have been using dynamically scoped variables in a number of places -- I replaced with lexical variables. But that should not have caused the issue you see.
Thanks for tidying up my code! - I'm still a beginner in Lisp...
works for me. Your report, by the way, I think shows a problem in how SHOP maintains its stack, where it can make excessive copies.
So can you run the domain and find the plan without any problems? -- if yes it should also somehow work on my computer (MacOS) too -- Unfornatly I got also a heap exhausting with find-plans-stack
after a while ...
This is because it is keeping around all the choice points. To find a plan with 5000 operations, you will have
k * 5000
stack frames.Hi, I found a way to avoid my memory problem. So I did use Shops :sort-by function in every method. Instead of using :sort-by, I'm using Lisps sort function now ... and I'm getting 2-3 times bigger plans. Since I'm only interested in the first element of the :sort-by list and Shops saving all the choice points and stack frames...I think this was the reason for my problem
...e.g. I try to plan 100 vehicles at the same time by sorting their local time - for that I did use
:sort-by ?time ((truck ?truckxy ?time))
. So apparently Shop saved in each loop step 100 choice points...and I did use :sort-by in almost every method so I had a lot of choice points and stack frames. If you like please close that issue. Have a good day. :)
If you are not worried about missing solutions, you can also use the just-one
qualifier to avoid leaving behind too many stack entries.
But use with care!
Dear Mr. Goldman,
hello again. It would be fantastic if you could help me one more time with my thesis. :-)
QUESTION: How can I avoid memory exhausting issues in large problem definitions?
To describe my problem more specific: My planning domain dispatches n vehicles for transportation regulation in mines (in the following example I use 4 loading points, 2 unloading points and :D 100 vehicles). I'm running a loop method which always call the same operators in the same order (drive truck to loader, (queuing), load truck, drive to unloader, (queuing), unload truck), until a time limit exceeded - I'm using local times for each vehicle. Each round I pick that un/loading point which offers the lowest waiting/cycle time (by using :sort-by) and ship the next truck. The trucks can queue at an un/loading point because un/loading points can be blocked (for that im using time windows which I put in lists in a atom for each un/loader) So it all works fine for lower time limits and less vehicles (e.g. 40). But I would like to diversify my problem and understand why the shop planner needs so much memory - also when it just need to find a single plan (with around 5000 operations). Does Shop saves all world models for each planning step? Or does Shop uses something like a preprocessing grounding technique when seeking a plan?
Many thanks. :)
Yours sincerely