shopozor / ci

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Add Jenkins pipeline to generate spec #21

Open zadigus opened 5 years ago

zadigus commented 5 years ago

For the consumer-frontend, management-frontend, and backend, we need a jenkins job that

  1. runs the acceptance / e2e tests
  2. generates videos out of the tests when applicable
  3. converts the videos to gifs
  4. generates the dynamic html documentation
  5. pushes the documentation to the softozor domain
zadigus commented 5 years ago

Just add a pipeline stage in the *-acceptance-pr jobs to buid the spec and push it to

zadigus commented 5 years ago

Check this for more info on how to make it happen.

zadigus commented 5 years ago

The only missing part is the creation of a job for that in Jenkins. Everything else is done (for the backend).

zadigus commented 5 years ago

Jenkins job to generate backend spec is ready. Now on the backend side what is missing is the integration of the test results into the spec. We probably need to export the behave results to junit, then convert junit to nunit, and then link the spec with the tests.

zadigus commented 5 years ago

Video generation and conversion to gif is not done yet.