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Aborting installation Shopware 6 #142

Closed mrszop closed 3 years ago

mrszop commented 3 years ago


I've tried to get a Shopware 6 installation up and running by following the installation guide at but I'm running into a problem at following step: "3. Execute the installer inside the docker container: > ./psh.phar install"

appuser@f9613dac686d:/app$ ./psh.phar install


SHOPWARE Developer Version

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Using .psh.yaml.dist

Starting Execution of 'install' ('/app/dev-ops/common/actions/')

(1/38) Starting
> php dev-ops/generate_ssl.php
        Private/Public key already exists. Skipping
(2/38) Starting
> composer install --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader --no-suggest --no-scripts
        Loading composer repositories with package information
        Updating dependencies (including require-dev)


Execution aborted, a subcommand failed!

Any ideas how to fix this issue? I've tried to run this command a few times but I've always get the same error.


fpesch commented 3 years ago

Try allocating more memory to Docker

shyim commented 3 years ago

As @bpesch said. You will need more ram