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painfull slow on mac #21

Closed sjaeger8305 closed 5 years ago

sjaeger8305 commented 5 years ago

hi, ich hatte die anleitung auf meinem mac durchgeführt und der seitenaufbau war bei ca 2 minuten.

hab jetzt die docker-compose.yml etwas angepasst und der seitenaufbau liegt nun bei unter einer sekunde. vll hilft es ja einigen der mac user

version: '3.3'

    build: dev-ops/docker/containers/app
      - app_mysql:mysql
      - "docker.vm:"
      - nfsmount_app_server:/app
      - .composer:/.composer
      - .npm:/.npm
      - /tmp:mode=1777

    build: dev-ops/docker/containers/mysql
      MYSQL_USER: app
    driver: local
      type: nfs
      o: addr=host.docker.internal,rw,nolock,hard,nointr,nfsvers=3,acregmin=1,acdirmin=1
      device: ":${PWD}/"
JanPietrzyk commented 5 years ago

interesting, maybe we should try this @janbuecker ?

janbuecker commented 5 years ago

Hm, someone with a mac should test it out, but I'm not a friend of doing workarounds for the mac here as it works perfectly with linux. It's a known limitation of docker with macOS.

Azd325 commented 5 years ago

Here a good read about it

comerceco commented 5 years ago

Hi @sjaeger8305 You should try Valet, It work perfect and very fast. With Docker it still very Slow

Azd325 commented 5 years ago

To play with the playground I added the :cached flag to the volumes and now it useable.

      - .:/app:cached
      - ~/.composer:/.composer:cached
      - ~/.npm:/.npm:cached

cached: The host’s view of the mount is authoritative. There may be delays before updates made on the host are visible within a container.

dominikkremer commented 5 years ago

Having the same problem as @sjaeger8305 describes.

The :cached flag did the trick for me. Thanks! @Azd325

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago

I don't know if the solution supposed by sjaeger8305 works, but I'm now quite pissed off with Shopware. 1.5 years ago I've wasted months to learn it but was very disappointed with the ugly, prehistoric ExtJS dashboard and the limited and rude support by the staff and the community in their forums and with their incomplete documentation (even I've bought and read their Shopware 5 book - there were so many problems the solution wasn't documented or discussed at all in the forums and official docs).

Now Shopware 6 seemed to be very promising and I was awaiting it eagerly as I develop apps with Symfony and Vue.js and the new dashboard looked really good. But now a clean scaffolded project installs via docker for half an hour on a strong Mac and page load is 15-20 Seconds and the only thing their staff says is: we develop with Linux! Don't know what's about Mac.

Their sectarian, exploitative and rude community / ecosystem sucks so much! You own me at least two wasted months of my life!

Will never touch a Shopware project again.

sjaeger8305 commented 5 years ago

hey Tech-Nomad, thats not a Shopware problem... this is a real Docker Problem. Pls try one of the given Solutions :cached or my first post. macOS have a filesystem which not work correctly with Docker. Shopware 6 looks great... so give it a try.

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago

No! it's definitely a Shopware problem! You can't hype Shopware 6 so much and don't offer a clear documentation on how to GET STARTING with a simple project!

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago

And then to announce we don't care about Mac 😂

sjaeger8305 commented 5 years ago

you know, its a developer preview?

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago

Yes, now I know: it is a LINUX user developer preview

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago

@sjaeger8305 ok, your argument might have some weight (that it's not supposed to work perfectly). But Jan's unenthusiastic response is quite typical based on what I know about the Shopware community/staff.

sjaeger8305 commented 5 years ago

@sjaeger8305 ok, your argument might have some weight (that it's not supposed to work perfectly). But Jan's unenthusiastic response is quite typical from what I know about Shopware community/staff.

the answer is not satisfactory, I agree with you completely. As far as the community is concerned, I usually do not need them, as I always work through the shopware code to get my plugins up and running.

and I have to admit that my code documentation is usually kept very short, because my function names are actually self-explanatory ...

so tell me, which mac os and docker version you have, so i can help you to work with shopware, if you want and can speak german ^^i love google translate

Azd325 commented 5 years ago

Also if you disable the dev toolbar you cut down some time

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago

@sjaeger8305 I speak perfect German, but I think the discussion here is supposed to be in English.

Thank you for your offer to help! I will come back to it next days. Right now I'm not in a mood for any Shopware work.

ndzoesch commented 5 years ago


Hey, I'm sorry if you have troubles installing the dev preview. In fact a lot of our developers are using Mac for development, so there are solutions to do this.

None of these solutions include a docker setup, since the proprietary Mac file system causes docker to have painfully slow mounted volumes on Mac. There are workarounds, but we do not treat docker as a must-have.

For Mac there are two documented installation methods, Vagrant and Mamp. Valet is of course a viable alternative.

You can find the documentation here, in the "getting started" section:

To be honest, it baffles me that in your experience, the Shopware community seems to be unhelpful and entitled - You started your comment with an aggressive "I'm pissed off" and continued to attack Shopware and the commenters in this thread on a non-factual but personal level.

I would be glad if you could try and be less aggressive in your comments, it makes things more heated than they need to be. In the end we are all developers trying our best. Just because someone is writing in a way that seems unenthusiastic to you does not mean they do not care. They are devs, not professional support staff.

So I hope I was able to clear up a few things and this answers #29 for you as well: Docker on Mac is a problem per se, use Mamp, Vagrant, Valet or bare metal. I will comment on the size issue you mentioned later on in the other thread.

Kind regards, Niklas :)

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago

To be honest, it baffles me that in your experience, the Shopware community seems to be unhelpful and entitled - You started your comment with an aggressive "I'm pissed off" and continued to attack Shopware and the commenters in this thread on a non-factual but personal level.

WHAAAAAT?!! WOW - that's so arrogant and unthinking!! Now you lost me 100% and I will tell every client to stay away from Shopware.

I've started with an aggressive comment?!?!? Do you have some logical problems? I've started with reporting an issue. But your main staff member on this project didn't give a single f*ck. Now I'm indeed aggressive and it's only up to you to calm me down by showing some respect to the community around your obviously overhyped and overpriced eCommerce system.

sjaeger8305 commented 5 years ago

hey @ndzoesch I will be very careful to pay attention to vagrant and mamp NOT on my mac. Docker is for me personally the future to realize projects while ensuring that everyone in the team works under the same conditions. For TYPO3 and VueJS projects, it works great with docker too :) so let's find a way to get some shopware running on our great macs. so fast: D

The: cached flag works on my typo3 projects too. only at shopware iwie not really. why mount the way over.

sjaeger8305 commented 5 years ago

pls stop the shitstorm... shopware is a great product... and i hope, we find a fast solutions, that works every where. its monday morning :)

ndzoesch commented 5 years ago

@sjaeger8305 I would be more than glad to have a reliable solution for docker on mac! I'm a docker fan. :) Just right now at this moment, there is no solution to provide, that's all I was trying to say.

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago


and continued to attack Shopware and the commenters in this thread on a non-factual but personal level.

How can you dare to make such accusations! How did I attack any commenters in this thread? and how I was personal doing so? That's sooo ignorant and only strengthen my accusations on Shopware. Your company is aggressively commercial and your "community" and open source bla bla is hypocritical and you obviously don't care much about it but exploit it for a "green" image and to transfer the "community" efforts into your overpriced ecosystem.

Indeed as I mentioned - to me it's very personal as I have wasted on your imperfect but very expensive system too much time of my life.

Maybe I'm spoiled with the truly open source community of WordPress but if you advertise something as "open source" you should actually do this! Look how much shitstorm WordPress got through it's also imperfect Gutenberg editor. But I never saw such rude and ignorant comments from the Automatic staff. Mullenweg even offered to any random person to chat on slack about Gutenberg!!!!! Shopware is fake open source!

ndzoesch commented 5 years ago


Your first comment in this thread literally starts with:

I don't know if the solution supposed by sjaeger8305 works, but I'm now quite pissed off with Shopware.

So you did not report an issue, maybe you confuse this with the actual issue you reported. You started by telling everyone about how agressive you are and then you ended your comment with:

You own me at least two wasted months of my life! Will never touch a Shopware project again.

This way of writing is perceived as aggressive by others, even though you might not be aware of it.

I answered you and explained why Jan, who is not our "main staff member" btw., is not writing as if he was a support or marketing guy. I was referring to "Jan's unenthusiastic response is quite typical" when I wrote you were attacking staff directly.

I'm not sure what exactly you expect. Maybe you could be more specific in what technical problems remain now, after the answers you received already. I would prefer to not discuss emotional stuff in this context, but you are invited to drop me a PM on twitter and I'll call you in case you are open for that.

sjaeger8305 commented 5 years ago

könnt ihr das net per mail auspalabbern. ich wollte hier nur lösungen für macerianer zusammenfassen, was mit dem mounten und :cached flag wunderbar funktioniert. würde am liebsten diese "anti shopware" kampagne hier raushaben. löscht die threads und machts per email. ist ja kindergarten. FYI: meine shopware installation hat mit depencies gerade 2,5 gb... aber ich hab auch einen produktkatalog mit 38.000 produkten von magento 1 importiert xD also jede menge bilder dabei. die grundinstallation war bei mir knapp 400 mb, da ich keine shared composer benutze

die gleichen aussagen wie tech könnte ich auch bei magento2 oder einer cleanen symfony app loslaiern. docker ist iwie noch net mac konform. schade, da ich denke, dass viele entwickler NICHT auf windows arbeiten :D

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago

Ok, dann auf Deutsch bei so viel BS.

So you did not report an issue, maybe you confuse this with the actual issue you reported. You started by telling everyone about how agressive you are and then you ended your comment with:

Du kannst doch mein Kommentar hier nicht von meinem opened Issue ausklammern?!

This way of writing is perceived as aggressive by others, even though you might not be aware of it.

Ja, ignorante überbezahlte Shopware-Sektanten mögen dass als eine persönliche Attacke bewerten. Jedoch basierte meine Attacke anders als von dir behauptet gegen keinen von euch persönlich sondern gegen euer heuchlerisches Unternehmen insgesamt und dessen intransparente Politik und Philosophie sowie gegen die schlecht organisierte Dokumentation und gegen dem Umstand dass ihr das "Open Source" Label versucht für Marketing-Zwecke auszubeuten und überhaupt nichts zurück gibt bzw. dieses geheuchelte Gelaber einfach nur ein Trick ist eine Community anzulocken, nach dem Motto: fake it until you make it.

Auch kriege ich im Gegensatz zu euch keinen Cent für meine Arbeit an eurem Fake-Open-Source-Projekt! Und habe ich bisher lediglich für zwei Kunden an Shopware gearbeitet und der Aufwand hat sich in keiner weise finanziell gelohnt. Ich habe 10 Mal mehr rein investiert als raus bekommen. Wenn ihr diesen Umstand, dass die Leute eventuell keinen Cent bekommen und sogar Geld rein stecken um mit euren nicht funktionierendem System klar zukommen, ignoriert und so ignorant und arrogant auf offensichtliche Probleme euerseits reagiert, dann läuft dieser massive Betrug an der “Community” offensichtlich bewusst ab und wird von ganz oben innerhalb euer Hierarchie diktiert bzw. ist offensichtlich Kern euer Agenda.

Bei dieser Intransparenz, Unfähigkeit mit berechtigter Kritik umzugehen, mangeldendem Community-Support, den zahlreichen Problemen beim Aufsetzen eines lapidaren Projektes und die Sorglosigkeit der Staff-Member hier wie im Shopware-Forum muss jeder davor gewarnt werden in dieses Pseudo-Open-Source Projekt seine Energie und Kraft rein zu stecken.

Die wahre Shopware-“Community" ist eine Gemeinschaft von Abzockern. Für jeden Müll für den es in WordPress ein kostenloses "Community"-Plugin gibt zahlt man bei Shopware 200-500€. Der Chef einer Shopware-Agentur, die zuvor WordPress-Agentur war verriet mir, dass die auf Shopware umgestiegen sind weil man damit den Kunden mehr Geld aus der Tasche ziehen kann. Die Shopware-Community ist also eine Abzocker-Community! Und die Diskussion hier ist der beste Beweis dafür. Es ist überhaupt nicht daran gelegen “Open” zu sein. Vielleicht kriegt man mehr Insider-Info in euren überteurten Zertifikat-Workshops. Ich werde jedoch sicherlich keinen Cent und keine Minute mehr in euer System rein stecken.

Offensichtlich ist Shopware interessant für überteuerte Agenturen die auf Prestige-Produkte setzen und kein Skrupel haben Schrott überteurt zu verkaufen und das nötige Kleingelt mitbringen um sich bzw. ihre Entwickler auf einen Stand zu bringen mit dem man halbwegs streßfrei arbeiten kann.

(Freelance) Entwickler jedoch die danach streben das technisch beste Tool für ihre Arbeit/Projekte zu finden, müssen sich offensichtlich woanders umschauen.

ndzoesch commented 5 years ago

@Tech-Nomad please do not use this issue for this kind of discussion. Open a forum thread or write me a PM on twitter (@ndzoesch). Further off-topic comments will be deleted, sorry.

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago

Why are you deleting my comments? I think this is the perfect place to discuss your fake "open source" promises and your rude and ignorant Staff (support). You obviously betray the "community".

sjaeger8305 commented 5 years ago

its not deleted. its marked as non topic. i want to help people here to work with shopware and docker. its not for discous or some shitstorm

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago

According to you suggestion to open a thread in your forum: why don't you move this repository to your own hosted repo? So people are not misleaded to think this project is open source.

FullStackAlex commented 5 years ago

I'm actually very thankful to you guys. Until now it was just a feeling. But now my Shopware hate is based on solid facts.

sjaeger8305 commented 5 years ago

jesses... shitstorm bitte woanders... es ist open source und ich habe genug projekte mit sw5 realisiert ohne ein einziges plugin zu kaufen, da vieles inhouse dabei ist. großkunden bekommen eine pro lizenz wegen dem support. und wenn du diesen mal brauchst, hilft er dir sogar richtig gut. und wenn man den shopware code nicht versteht... sollte man auch kein PHP programmieren... der ist eigentlich ziemlich einfach gehalten xD wie kann ich dieses issue closen, damit son shitstorm da nicht weitergeht.

ndzoesch commented 5 years ago

I locked the thread, since it derailed into an off-topic rant. @sjaeger8305 Thank you for the initial docker/mac help. We will check that and if it works we will put it in our docs. :)