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Shopware 6 is an open source eCommerce platform realised by the ideas and the spirit of its community.
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Buy Button - :focus cuts bux Shadow #381

Open shyim opened 2 years ago

shyim commented 2 years ago

Description: When the Default product Layout is assign, the Buy-Button Shadow is cut off

Environment: dockware/dev:

Steps to reproduce: Assign the "Default product page Layout" to a Product IMPORTANT: this Info is Wrong

If no custom layout is assigned here, the default layout will be used No Layout is different than the default Layout.

Go to the Product Page Simulate :focus state on the buy-button (Screenshot)

Expected result: The right box Shadow is cut off

Actual result: the complete shadow should be displayed Bildschirmfoto%20von%202021-08-18%2014-18-27.png

rherwig commented 2 years ago

@shyim I have not been able to reproduce the issue using Chrome and Firefox (see screenshot). Are there any further information on the environment this has been reproduced under?
