shorebirdtech / shorebird

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fix: the flutter version of shorebird doesn't support intl 0.19.0 package #1840

Closed vuzzer closed 1 month ago

vuzzer commented 1 month ago

App ID: (e8324c05-0ce2-46b6-ac10-2a6759904d8f)


I have changed my channel of flutter to master branch in order to support intl 0.19.0 package The version of flutter of shorebird doesn't support intl 0.19.0 package. Building release failed because flutter of shorebird depend on intl 0.18.1.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. change channel of flutter to master and upgrade channel
  2. install intl 0.19.0 package
  3. execute shorebird release android
  4. error: intl is pinned to version 0.18.1 by flutter_localizations from the flutter SDK.


My version of flutter compared to the flutter version of shorebird

Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 00 15 35 1

Error when building a release

Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 00 19 46
eseidel commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the report. shorebird currently only supports the latest stable. At this time that's 3.19.x. We don't have any plans to add support for other Flutter channels in the near future (although probably eventually will).

eseidel commented 1 month ago

Yeah, looks like flutter stable is still on 0.18.1 as you describe: Or for the perma-link.

Closing for now since we don't plan to support any other channels than stable in the near future. is the only other request I'm aware of for non-stable channels.

Thanks again for using Shorebird and sending us a report!