shorebirdtech / shorebird

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feat: `shorebird release` should switch to the system flutter version automagically #1972

Open eseidel opened 2 weeks ago

eseidel commented 2 weeks ago

Right now shorebird release will either use its default flutter version (the latest one release with Shorebird), or you can override that with --flutter-version. This remains confusing for users. We should probably just default --flutter-version to whatever flutter --version (the system flutter) says.

bryanoltman commented 2 weeks ago

For cases where we only support a relatively high minimum version (the current state of iOS), is the expectation that shorebird release ios would fail if the user does not have 3.19.5 or higher installed?

eseidel commented 2 weeks ago

For cases where we only support a relatively high minimum version (the current state of iOS), is the expectation that shorebird release ios would fail if the user does not have 3.19.5 or higher installed?

I think so? We're about to compile their flutter code with 3.19.5 anyway. It feels like any time we're compiling their code with a version of Flutter they don't expect, we're just setting ourselves up for implicit confusion.