shortcuts / no-neck-pain.nvim

☕ Dead simple yet super extensible plugin to center the currently focused buffer to the middle of the screen.
MIT License
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Inconsistent resize behavior with window splits #298

Closed vicrdguez closed 1 month ago

vicrdguez commented 8 months ago



first of all, thanks for the plugin!!

Here is the issue: Opening new splits has very inconsistent behavior with the plugin. Side panes seem to keep the same width regardless of the splits, which results in the actual buffers to just be smaller and smaller.

The behavior is a bit different when you enable NNP when there is already an split: sizes look fine, but as soon as you start adding more splits the issue appears again. Some "content buffers" end up as well with different size than others.

Easier to show than say, here is a recording of the issue:

Steps to reproduce

  1. Enable NNP
  2. Open multiple window splits <C-w>v
  3. Content buffers get sized incorrectly

Expected behavior

As you add splits NNP side panes should be made smaller, while "content panes" should keep taking over the screen while still being centered until side panes size is too small and they are closed.

At least that is the behavior I remember from using this plugin in the past


shortcuts commented 8 months ago

Hey, thanks for using the plugin and reporting the issue! ❤️

The behavior is a bit different when you enable NNP when there is already an split: sizes look fine, but as soon as you start adding more splits the issue appears again. Some "content buffers" end up as well with different size than others.

I'm not yet able to reproduce on nvim 0.9.5 and nnp 1.7.2, could you share the list of active plugins you have just in case it creates a conflict with NNP?

vicrdguez commented 8 months ago

I have plenty, so I hope this does not clutter up the conversation too much. From Lazy:

    ● alpha-nvim 1.79ms  VimEnter
    ● autolist.nvim 4.29ms  markdown
    ● catppuccin 1.3ms 󰢱 catppuccin.groups.integrations.feline  custom.feline
    ● cmp-buffer 0.28ms  nvim-cmp
    ● cmp-nvim-lsp 0.32ms  nvim-cmp
    ● cmp-nvim-lua 0.31ms  nvim-cmp
    ● cmp-path 0.3ms  nvim-cmp
    ● cmp_luasnip 0.27ms  nvim-cmp
    ● conform.nvim 0.67ms  start
    ● feline.nvim 0.05ms 󰢱 feline.providers.lsp  catppuccin
    ● fzf-lua 4.76ms 󰢱 fzf-lua  zk-nvim
    ● gitsigns.nvim 0.22ms  start
    ● go.nvim 23.35ms  CmdlineEnter
    ● guihua.lua 1.56ms  go.nvim
    ● indent-blankline.nvim 2.01ms  start
    ● lazy.nvim 10.13ms  init.lua
    ● lsp-zero.nvim 0.92ms 󰢱 lsp-zero  nvim-cmp
    ● lspkind.nvim 0.14ms  nvim-cmp
    ● lua-async-await 0.54ms  nvim-java
    ● LuaSnip 3.98ms  nvim-cmp
    ● mason-lspconfig.nvim 0.71ms  nvim-lspconfig
    ● mason.nvim 2.65ms  start
    ● 1.8ms  start
    ● mini.comment 1.09ms  start
    ● mini.cursorword 0.95ms  start
    ● mini.hipatterns 1.7ms  start
    ● mini.jump 1.84ms  start
    ● mini.pairs 1.95ms  start
    ● mini.splitjoin 0.99ms  start
    ● mini.surround 1.52ms  start
    ● no-neck-pain.nvim 3.08ms  start
    ● noice.nvim 1.58ms  VeryLazy
    ● nui.nvim 0.51ms  nvim-java
    ● nvim-cmp 16.76ms  start
    ● nvim-dap 0.65ms 󰢱 dap  nvim-lspconfig
    ● nvim-java 62.91ms  start
    ● nvim-java-core 0.48ms  nvim-java
    ● nvim-java-dap 0.51ms  nvim-java
    ● nvim-java-test 0.87ms  nvim-java
    ● nvim-lspconfig 59.12ms  nvim-java
    ● nvim-treesitter 8.06ms 󰢱 nvim-treesitter.parsers  playground
    ● nvim-web-devicons 0.53ms  trouble.nvim
    ● oil.nvim 3.17ms  start
    ● peek.nvim 0.09ms  BufRead
    ● playground 9.72ms  start
    ● plenary.nvim 0.29ms  start
    ● tokyonight.nvim 1.25ms  start
    ● trouble.nvim 0.85ms  start
    ● vim-fugitive 1.69ms  start
    ● vim-rhubarb 0.39ms  start
    ● zk-nvim 2ms  <leader>rf

however I can't think on any that might be disturbing buffer resizing, but let me know if you notice any potential conflict!