Has search, but also has genres menu. Not like netflix, though. You can not search a genre in the search bar - that searches for novels with the key word in the title.
Has a login system
Yes, but an account is not needed to browse the site.
Has Cloudflare protection
not sure.
Addtional notes
Many different types of novels & genres. Also has an app, but not sure if it's safe = I love shosetsu.
URL of the site
Has search, And what options
Has search, but also has genres menu. Not like netflix, though. You can not search a genre in the search bar - that searches for novels with the key word in the title.
Has a login system
Yes, but an account is not needed to browse the site.
Has Cloudflare protection
not sure.
Addtional notes
Many different types of novels & genres. Also has an app, but not sure if it's safe = I love shosetsu.