shotgunsoftware / tk-core

The Flow Production Tracking Pipeline Toolkit Core API
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get_fields from template string is impossible with / #960

Open francoisgfx opened 9 months ago

francoisgfx commented 9 months ago


Getting fields from a template string is impossible if it contains some "/".

For example if you look at the config here :

The reason is because get_fields, calls TemplatePathParser, which does a os.path.normpath().

so on Windows a string like /Game/Level/ is going to be converted to \\Game\\Level\\

Is there another way to extract fields from a string ?



francoisgfx commented 9 months ago

the issue I see is that TemplatePath are normpath() when doing the split_path(). But TemplateString are not calling the split_path() which seems correct. But get_fields will always try to normpath the input. So if a string contains / it will always fail.

An idea would be to add an arg as get_fields(normpath=True) by default and force it to False when called from TempalteString