shoutem / theme

Style your React Native components on one place
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How to extend theme? #14

Closed dnish closed 7 years ago

dnish commented 7 years ago

Hey, I'm trying to extend the default theme with my own changes.


   render() {
        return (
            <StyleProvider theme={theme}>
                <View style={ViewStyles.standard}>
                        <Scene key="start" component={Start} hideNavBar={true}/>
                        <Scene key="login" component={Login}/>

const theme = _.merge(getTheme(),{
    'shoutem.ui.Text': {
        '.desc': {
            marginVertical: 30,
            color: 'white'

        '.login': {
            'shoutem.ui.Icon': {
                color: '#00D1FF',
                margin: 0

        color: 'white'


In my start component, I have something like this:


   render() {

        return (

             <View style={ViewStyles.standard}>

                     source={require('../../images/start_bg.png')} style={styles.imageWrapper}/>

                 <View style={styles.contentView}>
                     <Image source={require('../../images/logo_mid.png')} style={styles.logo}/>
                     <Text styleName="desc">This is a demo text</Text>

Problem is that the style isn't applied, my text color is still black instead of white.

dnish commented 7 years ago

Just saw my mistake, StyleProvider needs style as prop, not theme.