shoutem / ui

Customizable set of components for React Native applications
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Video can not work #323

Open andy-zhangtao opened 6 years ago

andy-zhangtao commented 6 years ago

I use the latest platform(1.3.3). Video component can not work in this version.

Below is my code:

render() {
    const { video } = this.props;

    return (
      <Screen styleName="paper">
            link: video.url,

          source={{ uri: '' }}



I don't know how to fix .......

Definitely-Not-Vlad commented 6 years ago

Hey Andy,

I'm assuming this was done in an Android emulator?

I've run this both on iOS and Android emulators. On iOS it runs in the emulator. On Android it fails to display the actual video, only plays the sound and will actually show captions of YouTube videos if you enable them. On an Android device, it successfully displays (tested on my own Android device).

We'll look into the issue regarding Android emulators and the <Video /> component.

andy-zhangtao commented 6 years ago

Yes, this issue appears in the Android simulator.